|Chapter 5| Yokohama Gangster Paradise: Part 2

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Warnings: Minor Swearing.


At the Agency...

"So..." Junichirou trailed off.

The client was seated on the couch in the sectioned-off area of the Agency's office. Atsushi and Junichirou were in the armrests across from her. Naomi was still clinging onto her brother. Kunikida was standing behind them, while [Name] was leaning on the wall opening of the area.

"You mentioned investigating something, but what manner of investigation are we speaking of here?" Junichirou asks, prepared to take on a request.

"Beautiful." Dazai appeared out of nowhere, now kneeling down in front of the woman, holding one of her hands with his own. "You're a lady as ephemeral and elegant as a lotus blossom." He says, in a sort of flirty way, reminding [Name] of those cheesy but good romance animes.

[Name] bites their lip as they try to stop laughing, turning away and covering their mouth with a hand. 'LMAO I CAN'T–' They are well aware of what Dazai is planning to do, but is finding this scene hilarious with the tone of voice he's using because of broken humor.

"Would you be willing to join me in a double suici–"

They could practically see Kunikida fuming. The said person slaps Dazai, causing him to cartoonishly fall to the floor and slide to the wall with a thud.

"Eh?" The client poked her head out the opening to see what happened.

Atsushi, Junichirou and Naomi looked at it with wide eyes, flabbergasted.

[Name] couldn't keep it in anymore, they let out a giggle that turned into laughter, clutching their stomach as they wheezed for air while still laughing. 'Damnit, this is way funnier first-hand–'

Kunikida turned around to glare at [Name], as if to say 'Quiet down, you're shaming the Agency's name infront of a client.' This caused [Name] to halt their thoughts.

They immediately stop laughing, sweatdropping a bit as they clear their throat like they didn't almost die of laughter. [Name] returns to their original position, not wanting to be scolded by Kunikida.

"Ah. Apologies for the disturbance." He walks away and grabs the brunet by the collar of his coat, dragging him with him as he walks off. "Don't mind it." He opens the door to a room lined with what seems to be electronics and files. "Please disregard what just happened. Just continue." And with that, the door shuts with a tud.

What comes after is the sound of Kunikida beating and scolding Dazai.

[Name] tries not to laugh again, putting on their best serious face. 'Rest in peace, Osamu, you will forever be missed... I think.'

"Regarding my request..." The client snaps them out of looking at the closed door leading to death.

"Y-Yes?" Atsushi still looks traumatized.

"Well, it seems there's recently been a group of unsavory people loitering in my company building's back alley." She calmly informs.

"And by unsavory, you mean..." Junichirou is still sweatdropping.

"They appear to be dre..."

[Name] didn't focus much on the details, instead focusing on their own thoughts. They already know how this is going to play out. 'Alright, what's your plan, [Name]?' They thought to themself.

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