|Chapter 5| Yokohama Gangster Paradise: Part 3

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Warnings: Swearing, violence.


"[Name]-chan, can you go there via rooftops?" Dazai was sprint-walking beside them, turning to exit to get to where Atsushi and the rest were. "It's faster that way. I don't have to explain why I can't go via the roof, do I?"

|Ability: loaded|

[Name] only nods, before halting to a stop, letting Dazai go before them. Taking the elevator would take too much time, and Dazai isn't the most physically fit to jump roofs. Plus, [No Longer Human] cancels out their ability, so taking Dazai with them to jump roofs is basically suicide. Dazai might like that idea, but [Name] is too preoccupied on changing the plot to commit self-die right now.

They gaze up at the bricked building, before taking a sharp breath in. "Bookmark 1: [The Reader]."

A familiar hologram book appeared in front of them. They silently willed the pages to spring out under them. Digging their feet on the page, they crouched and launched to a jump, the page helping in catapulting them into the sky. They took another page to appear under their feet and spring them up. [Name] repeated this process, their breath catching into their throat from the lack of sturdy ground. Once they reach the rooftop, they regain their breath.

They took a few steps backwards, before sprinting off and jumping off the roof. The pages fluttered one after another on their feet. Another one laying itself right after another's edge, creating a translucent walkway for [Name] as they sprinted off roof-by-roof.

'I wonder what this looks like on the ground...' [Name] shakes off their thoughts. 'Focus.' They slow down to a skid when they spot an L-shaped building, with another, smaller building right next to it, creating an alleyway with only one entrance.

[Name] turns and sprints towards that direction. 'Found it.' They sprint off three more buildings. By now, from the amount of running, sweat is beginning to drip down their forehead, their legs starting to hurt from the mix of sprints and jumps. 'Shit, maybe I should've upgraded my [Stamina]...'

They jump one more building, arriving at their destination. [Name] rushes over to the side, gazing down at the building, out of breath. The scene below was bloody, to say the least. Naomi was already badly wounded. 'Fuck, I was too late.' They clench their fist.

Their brain quickly registered the green snow falling to the ground, and a ginger choking the life out of Higuchi. They scan everything below them, assessing how to get down safely. [Name] was about to jump down when they spotted a black silhouette off the entrance of the alley.

[Name]'s eyes widened, they instantly jumped down, forgetting all about their route to a safe landing. A page rips out to catch them just midway the fall. They winced as pain soared through their lower half from the impact. Pushing the pain aside, they try to get their coworker to notice the attack behind him. "Junichirou!"

He looked over to [Name], surprised to find them there. Unfortunately, he still hasn't noticed Akutagawa or the shadowy ability closing in on him.

Reacting quickly, they sent a page to shield Junichirou from [Rashoumon]—Akutagawa's ability. [Name] was about to let out a breath they didn't know catched on their throat. Unfortunately, they couldn't. Their eyes widened in shock and horror.

Rashoumon broke through the page.

The beast successfully got through, stabbing the male. He fell to the ground, releasing the blonde from his chokehold. Higuchi fell on her knees, struggling for air.

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