|Chapter 7| Murder on D Street: Part 1

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Warnings: Swearing, Dead body


Few minutes later...

2:36 PM

The clatter of objects sounded throughout the office. Everyone was helping clean up after the raid. [Name] helped pick up items, [The Reader] helping in scooping up paper.

As [Name] piled up a few documents, the marble inside Ranpo's ramune jingled, earning their and Atsushi's attention.

"Hey, hey, [Nickname]." The raven-haired detective called.

[Name] placed the documents near the desk. "Let me guess, you want me to take out the marble?" They smile, knowing they were correct.

"Mhm." Ranpo grinned. "So, can you take it out?"

"Yeah, sure." [Name] gently took the bottle from his hands and walked away to the Agency's small kitchenette to take out the marble. Out of the corner of their eye, they saw Atsushi deadpan at Ranpo.

In the kitchen, they reach down a lower cupboard to bring out a wooden hammer that was there for who-knows-why. [Name] skillfully smashed the glass bottle in one go. They carefully picked up the marble inside, avoiding the sharp pieces of glass and their intrusive thoughts.

[Name] goes back to the main room, handing out the glass ball to Ranpo. "Here you go, Ranpo."

|+3 [Friendship Points] for character: [Edogawa Ranpo]|

"Thanks, [Nickname]" Ranpo took the marble, holding it between his thumb and index finger. "Marbles are nice, aren't they?" He examined it, bringing it up to the light. Ranpo opened one of his eyes, showcasing his pretty emerald-like green iris—which of course [Name] found overly stunning.

"Sure they are." [Name] hummed in agreement. 'Please- He's so adorable omgnlamkndm–'

Meanwhile, they spot Atsushi approaching Kunikida to ask a question. Probably if Ranpo was going to help or not.

Before the blond could answer, however, [Name] heard Ranpo abruptly call for him beside them. "Kunikida-kun."

Atsushi, startled, let out a yelp, almost dropping the colored files in his hand. Kunikida side-eyed the weretiger, then looked at Ranpo getting up from the desk.

"I need to head off for a job soon." Ranpo announced, hopping to the floor.

Kunikida placed a file on the shelf, still looking at him. "Oh, to help with a murder case?" He questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Indeed, the police in this city can't even nab a single criminal without my help." He proudly says, smirking. "Still, my [Super Deduction] is the best ability in this Agency, or even the whole nation. I guess that it's no wonder that everyone depends on it."

"We're indebted to you, Ranpo-san." Kunikida suddenly states, much to Atsushi's surprise.

Ranpo pointed at the man. "Good, as long as you're aware. That's right, Even though you call yourselves a detective agency, you all can't deduce better than a single monkey." The man walked towards the center of the room. "The only reason you call yourselves a detective agency and function as one is because of my ability—[Super Deduction]."

"Your ability is so cool." Yosano praised in the midst of sweeping the floor.

Haruno joined in on hyping him up. "An ability that lets you see through the heart through any case immediately."

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