|Chapter 2| Fortune is Unpredictable and Mutable: Part 1

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"This is English"

"This is Japanese"

Warnings: Swearing, Suicide(Failed((Cus Dazai again)))


A year after getting isekai'd

"What do you mean he's gone?!" Kunikida yells, looking over his notebook.

He, Dazai and [Name] were out on a mission, to find the man-eating tiger. Until, Dazai decided to ghost them while the two were busy questioning witnesses.

They sigh. "Look... I don't know how he did it, but one moment I turn around, the next he just disappears." [Name] explains. "He said something like 'Wow! What a nice river! Then he proceeded to disappear." They need to stall him for a while. Dazai needs to meet Atsushi for the plot to move on.

"That Dazai! Because of him my schedule is messed up again!"


'One bowl of chazuke.' He thought. 'Pickled plums, shredded seaweed, and leftover chicken from last night's dinner. All doused in piping-hot tea, then seasoned with salted kelp.'

A train goes by the bridge as he stares at the river.

'That was so good. All the bowls of chazuke I'd sneak into the kitchen to make at the orphanage.'

"Ow!" He fell face-first into the ground from the weakness hunger brought. "Damn it... I'm gonna die of hunger."

'My name is Atsushi. Due to certain circumstances, I'm about to die from starvation.' He turns his face to his right, still lying on the ground. 'After being out by the orphanage, I had nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, and, as one may expect, not a single cent to my name. Yet, I lack the courage to steal.' He groans from hunger. 'This is how I've arrived at my current predicament.'

He brings an arm up and punches the ground with force. Using that to lift one of his sides up. 'However...' He slowly brings himself up from the ground, now using both of his arms to lift himself up. 'If I wish to live, I have no choice but to steal and take from others!'

'"Get out, you failure!" A horrible memory appears in his mind. The directors of the orphanage he used to live in. A man and a woman, looking down on him. "No orphanage would ever welcome the likes of you!" The male says.'

'"The world would be a better place if you'd just die in a ditch somewhere!" The female adds.'

'...Shut up...' he stands up. "Shut up." He closes his eyes. "Shut up. Shut up!"


"Die in a ditch?" He clenches his fist. "I'm not gonna die!" He straightens up a little. "I'm gonna live, no matter what it takes!" He declares.

"Alright." Atsushi looks ahead with determination. "I'll attack the first person who comes along and rob them of everything they have!"

Right as he says that he senses a presence and turns around.

A motorcycle bolts by at incredible speed. Leaving dust on its trail.

"W-well, that wasn't going to happen. I can't catch him on an empty stomach." He becomes alert once more. "Next!"

A large group of police in training marches by in sync. "One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!" They recite altogether.

"I... I doubt the military police would be carrying their wallets during training." Atsushi looks at them. "But the next person who comes along... I'll do it!"

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