|Chapter 8| Scarlet Fist Asociation: 3

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Warnings: Swearing, Violence

Start of after 3.5 after bolded 3 dots (...)


'Damn it!'

[Name] rushed to the entrance of the location. They skid to a halt, gripping onto the door frame for support. 'I have to protect everyone. I need to protect everyone.' Thoughts overwhelmed their head as they reach a hallway, their rushing footsteps echoing throughout the abandoned building.

|Ability: loaded|

They sent a page to block out the entrances of the building, in case the kidnappers were to ever plan to escape.

Meanwhile, Dazai and Kunikida were in a room close-by, but hidden well.

"...Did they really just storm in without a plan?" Kunikida sighs, which Dazai chuckled to. "[Last Name] really needs to work on making a plan before entering a scene."

"Well, would it be better if [Name]-chan carries a diary around like you?" The brunet says with an undertone of teasing. This play of his, however, only gained him a bonk in the head.

[Name] reached a wide room, searching everywhere for the clerks. They were drastically becoming even more stressed and frustrated, chewing on the inside of their cheeks as they ran from room to room with the hologram book floating in-sync with them. "Fucking shit. Why are there so many damn rooms?!"

|[Name], calm down.|

"I can't just fucking calm down!" They snapped at the screen. [Name] clenched their fist, running up to the second floor. By this rate of how much noise they were making, it's not a surprise if the gangs' members had been alarmed by their intrusion. They leave pages to block off rooms they already went to.

|...You're a handful.|

They reach another room, turning the handle only to realize it's locked. 'The door's locked, they could be here.' [Name] took a few steps back, before using a page to bust the door wide open with a bang.

[Name] was right, this was the room where the hostages were kept.

Keyword: was.

There were signs that people were here, the footprints and chairs littered across the dusty room. [Name]'s eyebrows furrowed in annoyance, they must've transferred the hostages somewhere. If they weren't so reckless right now, maybe they would've heard it. They couldn't have gotten far, the footprints were fresh.

[Name] sprints out of the room after leaving another page. 'I'm pretty sure I blocked the doors. [System], are they near any of the exits?'


They cross out the thought of going through the entrances. Instead of going through all the rooms of floor two. 'Shit, my stamina is falling.' [Name] lets out a breath as they clears out all the rooms, going up to the last floor.

"Help–! Mmph!" A panicking cry alerted the [Hair Color]-colored soon-to-be detective. [Name] started climbing up the stairs faster to reach the voice.

Blinding light poured through the broken windows of the last floor. The whole floor was just an open one—no rooms or hallways. And displayed right in the center were the hostages with guns pointed at their heads. The clerks were tied together and gagged, weapons aimed directly at them by the SFA.

It was like all the members were present, some were aiming their weapons to [Name] with a look of anger and hate written all over their faces.

Suddenly, [Name] felt a cold metal touch the back of their head. They instinctively kick their attacker's leg out of defense, making the gunned man fall out of balance.

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