|Chapter 9| Teaching Them to Kill; Then to Die: Part 3 (Fixed)

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Warning: Minor swearing



Before [Name] could reach him, a pit of black engulfed his form, he melted into the shadows, teleporting to wherever that darkness reached. [Name] clenched their fist in frustration, trying to get their mind off of what happened for the sake of focusing on mending the train.


Multiple bombs went off from the front, the explosion sending shockwaves through the entire train. The translucent pages that kept the train in one piece struggling to keep it together. Some of the pages even ripped, the broken fragments dissipating into specks of green, blowing away with the wind.

Thankfully, it managed to keep together in one piece. The vibrations from the bomb didn't last long, and [Name] glued the train back together.

[Name] could see Atsushi was barely hanging on, almost collapsing under the preassure. The passengers were still in danger too. They moved the pages to make a steady path through the gap, going to socialize for what seems like the third time today.

"Uh, can everyone cross?" they raise their voice again, getting everyone's attention.

The passengers stilled, not doing anything from fear. [Name] sighed, stepping towards the glowing green, makeshift bridge to prove it won't collapse.

Light poured through the train's windows, signalling it has passed through the tunnel and is now going through a bridge above the sea. A breeze blew through the damaged glass, wind getting inside the vehicle.

[Name] could see Atsushi begining to have his main character moment, finding motivation in the hope that he could save the passengers.

"Okay, can everyone just cross now? You guys are clearly in danger while staying in this car," [Name] repeats in a flatter tone. They swear they're gonna start pushing everyone to safety if they don't move.

Hesitantly, the passengers transfered from that car to the next. [Name] instructed them to get to the center and regroup with the rest. As far as they know, that was the last explosion to be wary about, and it was safe to remove the protective barriers from the earlier group of people they gathered.

By the time they got to Atsushi, he was about to get sliced by Kyouka's ability. [Name] knew better than to interfere with a canon event that needs to happen. They knew he could handle it.

They were right, of course.

White fur coated Atsushi's arm. It was tougher than it looked, as the blade couldn't even graze it. It was as if it was made out of metal, a layer of armor that protected the weretiger. His senses seemed to sharpen, as he easily dodged the coming attacks like a seasoned expert.

The ability lunged towards him, causing him to move back as he finally noticed that [Name] was in the same room, just watching him. "Finally found that unison with your ability?" they asked, urging him to keep fighting.

They were still trying to ignore the interaction earlier with a past friend. It's already been a couple months, five months to be exact.

They've been friends for five months, and it's been five months since Ryu left.

What a coincidence.

[Name] forced themself to snap out of their thoughts, getting out of their head just as Atsushi managed to break the glowing sword of the ability. They realized they were just watching him the entire time. Feeling guilty for not doing anything, they shake their head to get themself to focus.

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