|Chapter 5| Yokohama Gangster Paradise: Part 1

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Warnings: The Tanizaki siblings being the Tanizaki Siblings, Swearing


Uzumaki Cafe, Yokohama
Later, the same morning


Everyone was startled by Tanizaki suddenly slamming the table.

"I–I–I'm so sorry!" He lowered his head, making his forehead almost touch the wooden table of the cafe in an apologetic bow.

[Name], Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida and the Tanizaki siblings were inside Uzumaki cafe on the first floor of the same building as the Agency. [Name] and Atsushi sat on one side of the booths, the siblings across from them, while Kunikida and Dazai sat at the bar.

"Eh?" Atsushi raises an eyebrow at the sudden apology.

"Even though it was just your exam, I was so rude to you." He explains.

Meanwhile, Dazai was doing his usual idiotic stuff, and managed to piss off Kunikida. Who, in turn, kicked him to keep Dazai in place on the chair. One of the waitresses behind the counter looked at the two males with a confused expression. [Name] was staring out the paned windows of the cafe, looking at the city street in boredom, starting to doze off into sleep.

He then proceeded to introduce himself. "My name is Tanizaki Junichirou. I work as an assistant of sort at the Agency." He gives a small smile.

"Please, it's alright." Atsushi returns the smile, reassuring Junichirou that he was fine with what happened earlier that morning.

Junichirou gestured towards his sister. "And this is–"

"His little sister Naomi!" Naomi cuts him off, lunging at him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Atsushi gave a confused and weirded out expression. "Y-You're siblings...?" He questioned. "I'm not sure I see the family resemblance."

Of course he didn't. The fact that Junichirou has orange hair and eyes, while Naomi had black hair and dark-grey eyes. And the way they act together...

"Oh?" Naomi gives a smirk, running her fingers through her brother's cheek. "You doubt us?"

Junichirou had a look saying 'help me' in his face.

'Fuck, not this again...' [Name] cursed internally, trying to get themself to fall asleep faster. They closed their eyes, leaning more into the window.

"Of course we're blood related siblings." Her hand trailed down to... y'know. "We're quite similar, especially in this part." She cupped Junichirou's face with her free hand. "Right, Nii-sama?" Naomi gets closer to her brother to the point where– Y'know what, I ain't writing that shit.

Atsushi stares in horror. "Oh, but..."

He was about to point out something but Kunikida stopped him. "Don't pursue this line of inquiry with them too far." He warned. At this point, Kunikida was now beside Atsushi, standing up, he seemed to forget about Dazai.

"Err– Okay." Atsushi nods.

"In any event, kozō, today you have joined the ranks of the Armed Detective Agency." He says calmly, before taking a breath. "NEVER BE A BURDEN TO ANYONE, NOR SHAME THE AGENCY'S GOOD NAME." He sternly says in a loud tone, waking [Name] up but also stopping the siblings. "The rest of us are sworn to that, at least." He follows, in a quieter voice. Kunikida turned around to look at one of his partners. "Right, Dazai?"

There Dazai was holding one of the waitress' hands on his, His left hand's fingers gently tracing down hers. "Would you strangle me with these fragile, delicate fingers?~" He says in a voice just above a whisper.

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