|Chapter 4| A Certain Bomb: Part 3

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Warnings: There are none for this part.



He reluctantly opens his eyes. He was still alive.

"Jeez..." Kunikida sighs.

Atsushi looked up to the scene. [Name], Dazai and Kunikida were standing before him. Their expressions were normal, like nothing happened. To his surprise, even the so-called 'bomber' was standing with them, looking nothing like he was earlier.

"I figured he was stupid. But I didn't know how stupid."

"He had the talent to become a suicidal maniac." Dazai remarks, smiling.

[Name] nudges him by their elbow. "I don't think that's a good thing, Osamu."

"Hmm... Perhaps not." Dazai mutters. "What do you think, Tanizaki-kun?" He refers to the bomber.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Tanizaki apologizes. He wasn't anything like the role he played.

Atsushi blinks in confusion. 'What? What the hell? What's happening?' He thought. "EH?" He gave them all a confused glare, almost as if asking: 'What the hell?'.

"Aw! Onii-sama!!" The girl, Naomi, Lunges onto Tanizaki. Clinging to his arm, she bumped her head on his chin in the process, earning a yelp from her brother. "Are you alright?" She poked her index finger on his chest, embracing him lovingly—A little too lovingly, perhaps.

"H-huh?" Atsushi stared at the so-called... siblings. He pushed up his upper-body to look at them fully, sitting up.

"You were so wonderful as a villain!" She cooed. "I had the time of my life being tied up and threatened!" She ran her finger up his chest, to his neck then arrived at his jaw. "Please continue where we left off at home!~"

"Uh- eh?-" Atsushi was weirded off, he parted his lips to say something but [Name] shot him a small look, as if to say 'I'll explain later.' And so the boy just gave a small nod, saying something else. "So... the part-timer was in on it with everyone too?"

Kunikida gave a sigh, closing his eyes. "Kozō, you should blame Dazai and [Name]. "Barring that, blame yourself for choosing the wrong people to help you find a job." He opened his eyes again, showing his green irises.

"Then is this the job?!" He stared at them with wide eyes, gripping a bit harder on the decoy bomb.

"We warned that there was a test, Atsushi!~" [Name] gave a cheeky smile, holding their hands together behind their back while shifting their weight on one foot, quite the childish pose.

Atsushi's voice strained. "As in... an entrance exam?"

"You are correct." A new, deep and stern voice enters. The Agency's president—Fukuzawa Yukichi, appears through the crack of the door, standing in the hallway.

The clerks made way for him, standing by the side with mass respect coming off of them.

"The exam has been completed without much ado, Shachou." A brunette clerk informs him with a smile on her face, holding a brown clipboard.

Fukuzawa hums in acknowledgement, nodding. He then made his way out of the hallway with light steps, his zori making faint footsteps.

Atsushi looks at the tall man, then at [Name] and Dazai. "Shachou?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

The gray-haired male made his way around a desk, standing in the room with everyone's gazes on him. "Since [Name] and Dazai said there was a capable young man, I had them test your mettle."

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