|Chapter 9| Teaching Them to Kill; Then to Die: Part 1

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Warnings: Minor swearing, Spoilers for those who haven't watched S5 yet


A week after Atsushi joins the Agency
8:39 PM...

'Osamu would be kidnapped right about now,' [Name] hums. jotting down a notebook with a mechanical pencil. The notebook contained major events in the storyline, plans to lessen damage, and minor changes they want to make for the plot.

[Name] places down the pencil, a new entry scribbled down a page. They leaned back the spinny chair, throwing their head to the headrest. 'I also have to worry about the so-called butterfly effect and what could happen instead...' they close their eyes, as the tracks of their mind goes on.

The night air flowed through an open window, the moon shining proudly amongst the puffs of gray clouds in the dark. Even in the [Pocket Realm], the temperature is the same as outside.

[Name] opens their eyes, tilting their head to look at the window, seeing the white curtain move like waves along the cool breeze. They look back up the ceiling, pondering, thinking, basically trying to use whatever brain cells they have left.

They let out a long-drawn sigh, covering their eyes with a hand. "I'm tired from all this thinking..." [Name] complains to no one— maybe [System], if it's even listening, which it probably is. "How does Ranpo or Osamu even do this planning-ahead-for-the-future shit...?" they mumble.

Deciding that this is way too much thinking for one night, they spin the chair slowly around, gliding it a bit into the center of the room. They look for anything. Literally anything in their room that can provide entertainment.

They got easily bored with their phone, already catched up on any social media. Art-block hit hard when they tried to doodle, laziness crept when they tried to clean up their room.

[Name] flopped down the bed, which was upgraded a lot ever since their first stay here. After a solid minute of thinking what to do, they decided to catch up on EP11 of S5, since they didn't have time to watch it.

The time warps weirdly in this dimension when it works with reality— or whatever reality they got isekai'd from. The updates come either as soon as 3 days, or up to two months. They figure as long as they have a good chunk of time from the present to an unknown event, it would be fine.

The last episode went by fast, too quickly. [Name] stared in silence as they looked at their abilities first bookmark. "What..." they mutter, trying to process it. Dazai's alive, Fyodor's dead, Chuuya was never a vampire.

[Name] closes their ability, breathing in, and out. They laced their fingers together, prompting their chin on their hands.


"I thought about it for two damn months," [Name] stares down their bed sheets, sighing inwardly. Out of frustration? Relief? It's not clear. "IF HE'S ALIVE THEN WHAT THE FUCK WAS MY PLAN TO MAKE SURE HE SURVIVES WORTH FOR???"


"Dazai has disappeared?" Kunikida questioned, echoing Atsushi's words. He didn't even look up from his laptop, still typing along like this was a usual thing.

The white-haired weretiger nods. "He hasn't been answering his phone, and he hasn't returned to his dorm, either," worry was evident on Atsushi's expression, it was clear that he was concerned about his senior's sudden disappearance.

"Don't worry, he's probably just floating along some river again," his words weren't very reassuring, as he just kept writing whatever document interests him more than Dazai's antics.

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