|Chapter 11| Rashoumon and the Weretiger: Part 1

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Warnings: Minor violence


Water sloshed against the boat, quickly gaining speed to catch up with a huge ship. The metal giant steadily got further, but the small yet swift motorboat quickly catched on.

Kunikida sped up, reaching the side of the boat, nodding to [Name] in a silent gesture.

He watched as [Name] made their way up using their ability, making it over the walls steadily.

"Don't die, kozo," he muttered, hoping that Atsushi was still breathing. The motorboat slowed down, rocking along the sea as it tried to stay hidden from the cruise.


[Name] silently went on board, feet light as they sneaked around the corner. 'Should be this one over here,' their hand traced over the metal wall, peeking over their side in hopes to sneak in.

Unsurprisingly, no amount of tiptoeing could last long. A black tendril went over their head, barely hitting [Name]'s hair. The detective stilled, slowly turning around as the ability retracted back to its owner.

"It's you again. Came to protect the weretiger, as always?" Akutagawa's voice echoed through the empty ship,

"Ah, emo boy. Does your aim suck today? You couldn't even hit me," [Name] slyly replies, expertly moving their head to the side when Akutagawa brought out Rashoumon again.

|-1 [Friendship Points] for character: [Akutagawa Ryuunosuke]|
|You really like making enemies, don't you?|
Akutagawa narrowed his eyes at them, disdain. "You're annoying," he remarks, scowling slightly.

"I know, I feel silly today,"

A few dark tendrils made their way to them. [Name] springed up using their ability, moving out of harm's way. They stood on top of a shipping crate, leaping away from the mafioso's attacks. They saw Kyouka out of the corner of their eye, quickly moving to plan.

Pages flew to the shipping container, blasting a hole to the metal. [Name] distracted Akutagawa, attacking back. Thin slides of paper lunged towards him, but as usual, they crumbled the moment Rashoumon ate the space between them.

The distraction was good enough, as Kyouka took that time to get inside and wake Atsushi up.

"Atsushi," Kyouka hurriedly shook his arm, stirring the white-haired boy awake.

"K-Kyouka-chan...? Did you come to–"

A loud crash startled him, making Atsushi jolt up in a sitting position, looking out the large crack of the metal walls.

A noticeable crater was in the ground. On top was [Name] protectively surrounded by pages, unscathed from Akutagawa's relentless attacks. The mere force of Rashoumon's attacks would have sent [Name] flying without their ability.

[Name] quickly moved back, getting out of harm's way. They're doing a great job at avoiding the attacks. A page whipped through, taking the shape of a large needle. It went straight for Akutagawa, struggling to cut through rashoumon before retracting back.

"[Name]-san!" Atsushi worriedly rushed out the shipping container, before yelping in pain as a part of Rashoumon dragged him towards the black-haired mafioso. Simultaneously, [Name] was attacked by Rashoumon's head. They cube in themself, black tendrils blocking their vision for a split second.

Darkness enveloped [Name], as they slowly but surely expanded the page walls around them, hoping to break the jaws of the ability. Inch by inch, the cube expanded.

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