|Chapter 12| An Ecstatic Detective Agency

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Warnings: Minor swearing (in another language)


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[Name] opens the door, entering the Agency office.

First thing they see is Kyouka in a cute outfit, many of the members are impressed by her ability to look good in any outfit. And then there's Atsushi, being confused at the whole scene. He didn't expect them to be so welcoming towards her, with her criminal records.

Atsushi turned towards the opened door, eyes at [Name]. "[Name]-san..." he called, gesturing towards what was happening, only to freeze once he got a proper view of them.

[Name] raised a brow, a hand running through their hair. They're clearly sleep deprived, judging from how they look like a zombie. "What? I just got here, I don't know what's happening either,"

"Did... you even get a wink of sleep?" Atsushi asked, half concerned, half judging.

"Clearly not," they reply, making their way to the Agency kitchen to down either coffee or energy drinks.


"I'm back!" Ranpo announced, haphazardly flinging the door open. [Name] watched from their desk, looking as he showed Kyouka some color-changing sweet.

[Name] zoned out, one of the things they're great at doing. 'I can pretty much relax now, nothing will happen for a few days except some minor missions,' they stare at the walls, looking at nothing in particular. 'There's still Atsushi's mission with Kenji, but I'm pretty sure they can handle that just fine.'

"Any movement from the police?" they snapped back when Fukuzawa suddenly entered the room, walking to the center. "Thanks to the Port Mafia's attempts to erase her identity, they haven't tracked down who she is yet. But she'll be a wanted fugitive soon."

Kyouka suddenly stepped forward, stopping just before the older man. "Please let me stay here," she asked, tone genuine.

 "Please let me stay here," she asked, tone genuine

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"I'll do anything," the dark-haired girl added.

Kunikida then spoke up, standing from his seat to walk closer to them. "I don't recommend it. Not because you were with the Mafia, or because we don't have work. But don't do it," he stated, hands in his pockets. "It's not easy, the world we live in."

"Besides, if you stay here..." Atsushi trailed off. "...the Mafia will find you. Shouldn't you run somewhere far away?"

Silence filled the room, before Kyouka spoke again. "He said that I could do nothing else but kill people," she started, gaze downcast. "I want to prove to myself that he's wrong."

A moment passed, before the clack of footsteps drew closer. "Shachou," Kyouka tilted her head, seeing [Name] beside her in a small bow, their upper body leaning down. "I would also like to ask on her behalf," they stated, siding with her.

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