500 Quotev Hearts Special! |Memes|

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THANK YOU FOR 500+ HEARTS ON QUOTEV 💕 This special was made for that version!

I seriously did not expect this fic to go so far. I can't express how grateful I am! I really love y'all.

As a thank you, I dedicated this special with memes I made that fits the current story hjhjhjhj.

Characters that don't have a dynamic with [Name] yet aren't here, sorry. Some of these come from an Incorrect Quotes Generator

Without further ado, let's head right to it!



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[Name], freshly isekai'd: "I can do the paperwork, Kunikida-san."

Also [Name], after a year in Bsd: *Skips work.*


[Name], sitting next to Atsushi: "Hey hey, have you seen ✨️Candace✨️?"

Kunikida, sitting nearby (Already fell for this.): *Sighs*

Dazai, listening in: "OH OH WAIT!" *Brings out popcorn.*

Atsushi, oblivious: "Who's Candace?"

*Murders by Miracle Musical plays*

Atsushi, sweatdropping: "WAIT, WAIT WHERE DID THAT MUSIC COME FROM???"

[Name], grinning: "You don't know who Candace is, Atsushi?"

Atsushi: "NO?? SHOULD I KNOW THEM?? WHO'S CANDACE, [NAME]-SAN!?!?!?" *Panics.*


Dazai: *Eats popcorn.* "You've fucked up big-time, Atsushi-kun."

[Name]: "Candace nuts fit in your mouth–"

Atsushi: *Dies*

Kunikida: *Facepalms.*


Author: *Makes a fanfic with no big plans*

Dear readers storming in with positive comments, giving me motivation: "Hi."

Author: "..."

Author: "You're my friend now :)" *Makes more chapters.*

(Seriously, ILY guys<3)


Random NPC: *Insults [Name]*

[Name], cringing: "You think you did something huh? Well that shit was the cringiest thing I've ever heard. You think I'll take offense in that shitty remark? No. Even a five year old child can come up with a better burn than that. If you know what's good for you, you'll shut your crusty musty rusty dusty ass—" *Rambles on.*

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