|Chapter 3| Warm Welcome: Part 2

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Warnings: Swearing, kidnapping.


...What the hell...?

"Is this the one?" A raspy voice asks.

I blink open my eyes as I slowly drift into consciousness. Eyes still hazy, I force them to open.

Why is it so dark? Did I open my eyes already? Are the lights closed? When I finally had came to my sense I realized:

I was kidnapped.

There's a blindfold over my eyes, restricting me from seeing anything. My hands were bound in a rope, tied so tightly it may as well stop circulation. I'm tied into a chair, in a damp room as far as I can tell, by the sounds of droplets hitting a puddle of sorts.

And I'm not alone, no. I'm pretty sure there was a person speaking in front of me, make it two by how there are two different voices.

Yeah, I'm pretty much screwed. And to add into bad luck, I can't hear a thing they're saying. Are my ears blocked out as well? They're talking about something like money, Armed Detective Agency, hostage...

Fuck, I'm being used as hostage.

I unconsciously flinched, pretty sure that made the two people in the room notice my small movement.

Shit shit shit shit.

"Looks like they're awake." The other voice snickered.

The blindfold over my eyes got violently snatched out, making my head slightly follow after the movement. I squint my eyes from the sudden presence of light, as it burns too brightly in a short amount of time for me to comfortably adjust.

I retract my head back, leaning into the chair. Taking in my surroundings, I notice two very gruff looking men, looking like they're from a gang or something. Both of them carried a gun in their pockets.

The taller one blew out a ring of smoke after inhaling a cigar. "Alright, now you will answer these questions, or lose a finger. Tell me all the members of the Armed Detective Agency's names, abilities and etcetera." He crosses his arms. "You should know it all, after all you lounge around the Detective Agency. They pretty much favor you in everything you do."

I remain quiet. I cannot tell these bitches any information. Plus, I believe the Agency will catch on and save me, right? I hate to be the person in need of saving, but right now, I'm too weak to do anything.

"Tch— You better start talking or I'll blow your head off! If you're trying to get contact with the Agency then that's hopeless! They won't be able to know where you are, and they won't be able to stop six gangs at once!" He puts a hand on his pistol. "All six big gangs together can pose a threat to Yokohama! Hah!– A small agency like you won't be able to stop us!"

I just stare at them, amused. Are they really so idiotic and uninformed about the Agency?

"Ey, Shinzu, this one's not talking." The shorter one of two cackled.

"Idiot! Why did you tell them my name!" He slaps him in the back of his head.

With that, I started slightly chuckling, Which turned into a loud laughter. Do these assholes really think they could pose a threat to the Agency? The Armed Detective Agency?

I've been in the fandom long enough to know that the Agency can take out a gang if they wanted. Just like they did after defeating the Guild, they can barge in on their front door with no big plans whatsoever and still come out triumphantly.

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