|Chapter 4| A Certain Bomb: Part 2

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Warnings: Swearing.

The bomber sat on a wooden desk of the agency, a bomb beeping on his side, with the detonator in hand. A young female was tied up in a rope just beside the desk-A hostage. Well, at least for the act.

"I can't take it anymore..." The ginger muttered, as he hid his face with his free hand. "It's all your fault... The Armed Detective Agency's fault."

[Name], Atsushi, Dazai and Kunikida quietly enter the room, swiftly hiding behind a potted bush.

He lifts his head from his hands. "Where's the President?" He demands. "Bring the president!" He shouts in a threatening tone. He lifts up the hostage to exaggerate his threat. "If you don't, I'll blow everything to kingdom come."

The girl was shaking in fear, letting out a yelp when she was thrown roughly back to the floor. The clerks standing in the hallway couldn't do anything but watch.

"A personal grudge? He's a troublesome type..." Dazai remarks, his voice a hushed whisper.

[Name] agrees, trying to sell out the act. "Mhm."

"Why am I here?" Atsushi sweatdrops.

They didn't seem to mind him. "The bomber seems pretty furious at the agency." Kunikida states, eyeing the bomber.

"I don't think I'll be of any use. May I go now?" Atsushi peeps in again.

"We do attract a lot of grudges..." [Name] whispers, ignoring Atsushi again.

"You're ignoring me?"

[Name] continues on. "Also... the bomb looks pretty high-grade."

Dazai nods. "If the bomber acts on his threat and detonates it, the whole floor's as good as gone."

Atsushi seemed nervous. "Oh no."

"We may be able to mitigate the force of the explosion somewhat, if we can find something to cover the bomb," He adds. "but given the circumstances..." Dazai looks at the scene. "I can't believe he took a woman as a hostage, the coward."

"Who's the girl?" Atsushi asks, concerned.

"She's Naomi-chan." [Name] says. "She works here as a part-time clerk."

"A part-timer?!" The white-haired boy whisper-yells. "Then she's a completely innocent bystander!"

[Name], Kunikida and Dazai formed up behind Atsushi.

"What should we do?" The blond asks.

"Why don't we let him see the President?" Dazai suggests.

[Name] deadpans. "That's a fucking horrible idea, Osamu. He'll try to kill Shanchou."

Kunikida adjusts his eyeglasses. "Plus, he's out on a business trip."

"Then there's only one method." Dazai sighs.

[Name] backs away, giving them space. "It's up to you two, then." They grin. 'I lost last time so I got counted out.'

Both Dazai and Kunikida stretch out their arms, preparing. They both had a serious look on their face.

'Are they gonna use their abilities?' Atsushi thinks as he looks at them both, ready to see what they will do.

The two prepare to launch. Then, unexpectedly... They play rock paper scissors.

Scissor, scissor. Paper, paper. Rock, paper.

Dazai won.

The brunet puts on his signature silly smile and does the noodle arms. Kunikida shakes in frustration, almost like he'll hit Dazai at any given time.

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