|Chapter 6| Tragedy of the Fatalist: Part 1

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Warnings: Swearing


The infirmary of the Armed Detective Agency, Yokohama

A few hours after the attack...

"Kunikida-san! Where are Tanizaki-san and Naomi-san?!"

Hearing the frantic voice, you rush to the infirmary, swinging the door open. "Atsushi!" You smile.


You covered your ears, wincing at the scream. "Ah, poor Junichirou..."

Atsushi sweatdropped, looking at Kunikida who was seated in a chair next to the bed. "That's... treatment?" If it was, he's scared to injure himself from now on.

"I heard, kozō." Kunikida didn't answer his question, instead focusing on a more serious topic. He flipped to the next page of his notebook which was– err– upside-down. But you figured you won't tell him yet, for the funsies.

Atsushi, who seemed to be surprised at the sudden topic, furrowed his brows. "Huh?" You almost forgot he didn't know.

"You've got a seven billion bounty on you on the black market." you state, sitting on the end of the bed.

"Seven billion, huh?" Kunikida remarks. "You've moved up in the world. No wonder the Port Mafia is keen to get their hands on you."

Atsushi's eyes go wide in shock. "Seven billion?" The boy seemed to have gone through a realization. "...I see." though, he quickly turned panicked and frantic. "Wh-Wha-What should I do??? The Mafia might attack the Agency!" He comicaly clutched his head, shaking.

"Calm down, Atsushi." You sweatdrop, raising both hands up in a way that says 'There's no danger here.' "No need to panic."

Kunikida nodded. "The Port Mafia is certainly quite violent, but stay calm." He orders. "Freaking out can kill even the best. That's what my mentor told me." He flipped to another page.

At this point, Atsushi notices the fact his notebook is flipped. "Um," He deadpans. "–it's upside-down. Your notebook" The white-haired male points out.

"Lmao" You smile, letting out a small chuckle. But before your laughter could turn louder, you quickly recompose yourself in fear of your work partner's scolding.

Kunikida's face darkened in faint embarrassment, though he did a good job hiding it with anger. He slowly turned his notebook of ideals to correct the side. He uncrossed his legs, slowly standing up. The spectacled man put one of his hands in his pocket, turning to face Atsushi. Kunikida slowly walked towards the boy, like a scene from a thriller movie.

'Ah, shit.' You cover your ears in preparation for some gruesome yelling.

"I'M NOT FREAKING OUT!" Kunikida yells so loud that Atsushi might fly off. "I'm not going to panic over the Mafia! I'm going to beat them back, even if they attack this very second!" He took a few steps back, making attack motions on the poor air. "I'll go like this, and this!" He says.

You stand up from the bed, trying to calm down the man. "Okay, okay. Kunikida, we get it, you can relax now." You mutter, before expertly ducking to avoid a punch to the face. "Take a chill pill, jeez." You sigh. Seeing that your words don't affect him, you pat his head instead to get his attention.


He suddenly stilled in his actions, turning around to face you with a shadow over his eyes.

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