|Chapter 7| Murder on D Street: Part 3

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Warnings: Minor Swearing



The officer brought up the gun and aimed it at the detective beside [Name]. Ranpo only remained still, unbothered.

'Uhh... Shit wait, I turned off my ability.' [Name] looked around for anything to do. It will take a while to load in their ability, so they'll need to improvise. Spotting Atsushi who was just behind them, they locked in their target. "Go get 'em tiger!" They gently shoved the poor male towards Sugimoto.

"EH??" Atsushi turned surprised. He then turned his head, gazing at the gun, before realizing what [Name] wanted him to do. He pounced on Sugimoto like a cat, pushing him into the ground.

"Gah!–" He let out a yelp as he fell on the ground on his back.

Atsushi flipped him over quickly and just like imitating Kunikida's signature move, he caught Sugimoto's arm and pinned it to his back.

Soon after, the rest of the police officers surrounded the imposter, a shadow looming over their faces. "Let me go! I have nothing to do with this!" Sugimoto thrashed around to no avail on escaping.

"Running won't help." [Name] warned, placing their hands in their jacket's pocket.

Ranpo leisurely stepped closer to the pinned man, stopping as he reached just in front of him. "The murder took place early yesterday morning–" He stated, explaining the details of the crime to everyone listening. "–at the abandoned shipyard, 140 meters upstream from here."

"How'd you know that?!" Sugimoto strained to lift his face from the ground to glare at the detective.

The raven-hair didn't answer his question. Instead, he continued with what he was saying. "If we go there right now, we should be able to find yours and the victim's footprints." Ranpo crouched down to the ground. "As well as the bloodstains you couldn't fully clean." He smirked.

Sugimoto drew cold sweat, nervous and wondering how Ranpo was able to solve it so quickly. "H-How...? No one could have known..."

Minoura sighed in disappointment. He looked off to anywhere but his now ex-subordinate, like he couldn't even face him. "Let's hear the rest back at the station." He muttered, bringing up a pair of handcuffs. "It may be the last time, it's your place of work."

As Minoura arrested Sugimoto, Atsushi stood up from the ground. "Phew," He murmured, patting off the dirt from his pants.

"Great job." [Name] shot him a smile, hand subconsciously coming up to pat him on the head.

Atsushi returned the smile. "Happy to help." He replied.

"[Nicknameeeeee] let's gooo." Ranpo childishly called for them, before he couldn't wait any longer and linked their arm with his and walked off, dragging [Name] with him.

"Okay, okay." They chuckled at his impatience, internally dying from tiredness. 'God, let this day be over already.'


Police Station, Yokohama
5:15 PM...

The sun emitted a soft, warm glow through the station's windows. Sugimoto sat on one side of the table with a solemn look on his face, both his hands tied to the table. "I didn't intend to shoot her." He muttered.

Minoura was listening attentively on the other end. Meanwhile, Ranpo was seated on the side, his arms crossed as he leaned back. [Name] was standing behind him, elbows propped up on the back of his chair as they placed their head on one hand.

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