|Chapter 13| Borne Back Ceaselessly Into the Past: Part 2

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Warnings: minor swearing


The following day,

"Hey! Did you see the morning paper?!"

Kunikida practically barged in the Armed Detective Agency office. They were crowded around a TV, listening to the news. [Name], Atsushi and Dazai in the front.

"It's in the TV news too," the brunet remarked.

"I'm at the scene right now! Take a look–" the camera viewpoint shifted to an empty lot, one that looked out-of-place. "The seven-story building that was once here disappeared without a trace overnight!"

A silent loom hung over the office, everyone stopping what they were doing in order to spectate what was shown in the news.

"Sources are reporting that the building housed a front operation for the Port Mafia, and that it was used as an office by Mafia operatives," the camera went back to the reporter. "Civic police are working with the military investigators to see if this attack was carried out by another crime group..."

"That's his 'message', huh?" Kunikida's eyebrows furrowed.

"Kenji-kun wasn't at the dorm either," Junichirou brings up, sweatdropping.

Kunikida perks up at that, turning around to face him and Atsushi. "Tanizaki, no more solo activity, got it? Team up with Atsushi and search for Kenji!" He turned to the brunet. " Dazai, you join me in the meeting room. We must confer with Shachou!"

[Name] glanced at him, then at Atsushi and Junichirou, before back at Kunikida. "Uh... I'm still here," they remind, raising a brow. They were not just going to let themself be left out on this important part of the plot.

"Go with Atsushi and Tanizaki," the blond ordered. "If you come in contact with the enemy, do not fight—run!"


"I've never seen the Armed Detective Agency so freaked out before," Naomi remarked.

[Name], Atsushi and the Tanizaki's were walking along the street, investigating where Kenji might've gone. [Name] being the oldest within the group... more responsibility. They were standing by a pedestrian lane, waiting for the light to go green.

"Naomi... Can you go back to the office?" Junichirou turned to her, requesting it. It seemed he didn't want to risk her safety.

"No! I wanna help you search!" her response was almost instant, demanding to stay. "I can't be away from you at a time like this."

"But it's too big a risk!" the siblings are having a disagreement, clearly.

Naomi crosses her arms, huffing. "So's the office! I could disappear with the whole building. Aren't I right, Atsushi-san?" she turned to the weretiger, who was but a bystander to their conversation.

"Huh!?" he looks around, before back at them. Silently questioning why they suddenly included him. "Uh... well, maybe..?"

"Atsushi-kun.. unlike you, my sister doesn't have any abilities," Junichirou told him, as if persuading Atsushi to agree with him. "She's just a drag on us!"

"Oh, come on!" she stomps her foot.

[Name] sighs, finally interfering. "Okay, okay, that's enough," they scolded. Who knew they could be responsible? "Let's focus on the task at hand, we have to find Kenji, or something," they say, walking forward to lead the group when the light finally turns green.

Junichirou sighs, but finally gives in, letting Naomi win this time. "Fine. As long as Naomi–" he freezes, eyes wide.

Naomi wasn't there.


'Ah, shit.' [Name] turns around at the sound of his panicking voice.

"No way..." cold sweat ran down Atsushi's forehead, staring at where the girl was just a few seconds ago, now just empty space.

"Naomi!?" the ginger pushes through a group of people, going against the crowd. "..Naomi!" he yells, looking around frantically for his sister.

The weretiger looked around, not finding Naomi, either. "They struck at us! This is crazy. I didn't notice a thing!" he deduced that the enemy was already nearby, blended within the crowd.

"Hey–" [Name] attempts to go after him, apologizing to some of the bypassers who Junichirou shoves pass through. "Junichirou, calm down! We'll find her."

Atsushi caught up behind, weaving his way through the heavy crowd. "They've gotta still be close by..! We're in danger if we don't–"

"Where is she?! Shit!" Junichirou cursed, searching for her with a panicked expression, making a scene. "Give me Naomi back!" he ran off.

"Tanizaki-san!" Atsushi chased after him, wanting to tell him to calm down and recollect.

[Name] stilled after seeing a certain doctor, [Eye Color] eyes looking at him in judgment. 'Nuh uh, bro,' that was a big step to the side they took.

That was the Port Mafia boss. And they don't plan to interract with him yet.

They went back to what was more important right now. They looked at Atsushi, before grabbing him by the collar to stop him from running after Junichirou.

"Wha– [Name]-san?!" he tensed after suddenly being pulled back, whipping his head around towards them with a confused expression.

"Over there," [Name] nods their head towards a girl, standing eerily in the middle of the street. Red twin braids falling on her shoulders, paired with an out-of-place attire.

Atsushi's two-colored eyes widened, looking over to where [Name] was looking. "Isn't that...?"

"Yeah," they nod, letting him go. As expected, Junchirou finds her too.

He lunges towards her, furious. "Gotcha!" he reached his hand out, almost touching her when–


They were no longer in a familiar street, instead in some sort of space alike to that of a playground. A red ambience setting over the cloud patterned walls and checkered floors, huge toys scattered everywhere.

Confused civilians were there with them, looking around the room in shock.

"Let's play!"

|Name: [Montgomery, Lucy Maud]|
|Ability: [Anne of Abyssal Red]|
|Age: 19|
|Character summary: A member of the guild, having a rude and twisted personality due to her childhood upbringing.|
|Character thinks of you as a [Neutral]|


Stray Secrets

●[Name] felt like their responsibility multiplied tenfold after realizing they were the most experienced.
●Mori noticed them, unfortunately.


Question of the Day:

Favorite BSD organization? (Hunting Dogs)


(A/N) Hello tofu blocks!!!
Sorry this is short huhuu, I promise I'll make the action scene for the next update worth it 🙏🙏
Life just hit me like a train lol and studies are hitting hard
I can't believe next week will be the last update for season 1 😭😭
With that topic, I'm thinking of doing a special chapter the S1 ending, which is another QNA! and a bunch of thank yous for staying with me this long<3
Season two will be in another book, with the same name as this! I'll update this when it releases who knows when
Literally never thought this would go this far when I made the first chapter, like- We're at 3k votes what 😭😭
Thank you for reading! Have a great day/night and take care of yourselves!<33


3.6 pages
1,157 words

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