|Chapter 13| Borne Back Ceaselessly into the Past: Part 3

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Warnings: Minor violece, Minor swearing


"Welcome to Anne's room!"

The playground styled playroom dimmed with an eerie atmosphere. The place almost seemed like a fever dream. The people trapped inside were panicking, looking around with distressed expressions.

"Oh, what will I do? So many people, all staring right at me..." The girl in the middle holding some twisted expression muttered, a hand covering her face as if she were shy. Her tone suggested that she enjoyed the attention, though. "I'm so terrible at talking to strangers!"

|[Bookmark 1] selected.|

[Name] had prepared for this, turning on their ability beforehand. They know that Atsushi and Junichirou succeeded in this mission, but a little assurance with them in here can't hurt, right? They can act as a fail safe in case of things going wrong.

|Ability: Loading|

"Ooh, but I know I have to explain things to you," she mutters to herself, fiddling with her fingers. "I know this probably puts you all in such a bind! You were brought to this unfamiliar land without a single word of warning, too!" the girl exhaled, hands behind her back, looking at the crowd with a twisted smile. "Why, it'd be enough to make my heart leap out of my–"

"Where is Naomi?" Junichirou was the first to speak up, interrupting her speech. His eyebrows were furrowed, glaring at her. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now.

The redhead glared back at him, her smile faltering at the fact that he just cut her off. She seemed to know what he's talking about. "Oh, I apologize! That should come first, shouldn't it? Your detective friends..." she gestured her open hand to her side, pointing towards a white wooden door with a small window and a lock. "–are over there."

"Kenji-kun! Naomi!" he exclaimed, seeing their unconscious forms being held by some doll-like hands behind the window. Junichirou rushed towards the door banging it to no avail. It was locked, and no amount of strength could forcibly open it up.

"It won't open without a key," the girl states the obvious, the smile returning to her face. "That one does, though," she looks towards the identical but black colored door on the other side, parallel from the one containing the captured people.

Atsushi looked towards the black door, looking through the small window. "The view out there... is frozen in place," [Name] heard him say from beside them.

"My name is Lucy Montgomery, and this is a space created by my special skill. But please, don't worry," Lucy pointed towards the darker door. "All of you can leave through that door, If you want..." her mouth turned to a twisted grin. "...assuming you don't want your friends back."

[Name] finally spoke up, breaking their silence. "Uh huh, and what are you trying to do?" they know the answer, but whatever can get this done faster.

Lucy beamed at the question, clapping her hands together. "I want you to play with Anne in this room," she answers. "Come on over, Anne!"

A large doll with mismatched button eyes formed above Lucy, an unsettling view. The frilly dress the doll wore covered up the mechanical looking body, large white hands ready to grab into any breathing person it sees. It was chilling, to say the least. With the way the doll almost mimicked the twisted expression of Lucy's face despite only having eyes.

"Damn, that's way larger than I thought..." [Name] murmured, unheard by anyone else but themself. Anne seemed a few feet smaller through the screen, but face to face, it's a different story. But it's no problem, they can deal with this.

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