|Chapter 6| Tragedy of the Fatalist: Part 2

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Warnings: Minor Violence


Armed Detective Agency, Yokohama
2:28 PM...

Knock, knock,



The wooden entrance to the Agency went flying to the floor with a loud crash. Everyone's head snapped to the direction of the intruders. There, in the hallway, stood the Black Lizard.

Mafiosi pilled in the room, guns aimed at the members, some of the said members taking an expression of surprise.

They quickly recomposed though. Kunikida, being the reliable person he is, spoke up. "Who are you?" He referred to the group.

[Name] sighed, way too tired to deal with this, although they expected it. "I have to use my ability again..." They whined.

"My apologies." A gray haired man stepped from behind the wall of gunmen. "Even though you're a detective agency, we forgot to make an appointment."

'What.' [Name] could only deadpan, preparing their ability.

|Ability: Loading...|

Someone with an emo-looking hairstyle and an alligator-looking dude appeared from behind as well. They both stayed behind the man, looking like your average antagonist entrance. "We even forgot to knock." Hirotsu says.

The deadpan deepened even more. 'This day is tiring... We still have to go to a murder scene later too...'

"The Port Mafia's Black Lizard." Kunikida acknowledged.

The room was felt with a tense air, one that [Name] couldn't help but ignore. This will be an easy fight.

"Well, I hope you'll overlook these mishaps." Hirotsu raised his hand. "Our errand will be over soon enough."

At the gesture, the men lock their guns, aimed at all of you.

|Ability: Loaded!|
|You are too drained to use a different [Bookmark]!|
|Only Bookmark 1: [The Reader] is available.|

[Name] sighed, again. 'Man, I wanted to use [A Shadow's Dance]... Oh well.' They stood up from the table. "Bookmark 1: [The Reader]."

Just in time, the giant green book appeared behind [Name], pages fluttering in front of the present members of the Agency. The bullets bounced off easily, much to the Black Lizard's shock.

The shield fluttered back into the book when the gunmen were out of ammo. [Name]'s [Eye Color] irises glew a pale green, the same color as their ability.

"I already want to sleep. Maybe read manga..." They mutter. "This is such a hassle..."

As the shield parted, the Agency proceeded to destroy the oh-so feared Black Lizard.

Kunikida wrecked the men single-handedly. He pinned them down and effectively knocked them out. Yosano was girlbossing her way to victory. She punched the living daylights out of one of the men.

Kenji was beating the group up with a smile. The sunshine boy piled them up one-by-one as [Name] tied the intruders using the pages of their ability. The translucent pages wrapping around the gunmen, leaving them immobile.

"Oh! Nice one [Name]-san!" Kenji smiled.

[Name] chuckles, dodging a mafioso and elbowing him on the back of his neck. This caused him to fall face-first to the floor. They sent a page to tie him with the others.

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