|Chapter 8| Scarlet Fist Assosciation: Part 2

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Warnings: Minor Swearing,



"I wonder... what's happening outside of here." [Name] mutters, staring at the dull ceiling inside the [Pocket Realm].

Only a soft haze of moonlight poured through the curtains of the room, giving everything a gray monochrome atmosphere.

|Damn, are you having an emo moment?|

[Name] grumbles in annoyance at the screen's sudden appearance, squinting her eyes at the light that emitted from the tab. "Jeez! Turn down the lighting. I don't need a whole star in my room."

|Damn. Sorry 💀🙄|

"Well, fuck you." [Name] pulled out the middle-finger to the air.

|You're flipping off the air???|

They frown in annoyance, turning away, resulting in the bed creaking. "Shut the fuck up."

|Goodnight, pookie 😘😘😘|


"Scarlet Fist Association?" [Name] asked, tilting their head to the side. "What kind of edgy name is that?"

Kunikida hummed in confirmation. "They're the same group that held you hostage. More sightings of the group were found ever since you thrashed one of their main hideouts.

[Name] sighs, slumping on the spinny-chair in the ADA office. "So, there's more of them?" They had hoped that those grunts they defeated were all of them, but, seems like they weren't the last.

"You only defeated two of the six gangs composing the Scarlet Fist Association—let's call it SFA for short. Anyway, only two of the gangs were defeated and rendered useless, four more are still active and now seeking revenge for their fallen comrades." Kunikida informed them, typing on the computer screen. "You sure debuted with a lot of enemies, [Last Name]."

"Oh please, just call me [Name]," they waved their hand dismissively.

The blond nods. "And so, [Name], you'll be under the Agency's supervision until we can make sure the SFA is gone."

[Name] frowns. "But–"

"No 'but's. We don't know the full extent of your ability, it's better if atleast one member of the Agency is always by your side."

They sweatdrop, suddenly remembering something. "...Even at my house?" [Name] sheepishly mutters. 'Well, not house, more like pocket dimension. But I can't let someone know I live in a pocket dimension.'

Kunikida freezes. "Well, no, but when you go outside or not at the library or Agency, contact us so we can send someone with you."

"Fine," [Name] crossed their arms, leaning back. "Is that all?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

[Name] grumbles as they stand up from the chair. "Anyway, bye, I'm heading to the library," they pause halfway on taking a step, looking back. "How's my application to be an Agency member going, by the way?"

Kunikida turned his head to look at them, light reflecting off his glasses. "Shachou already said you will be a member, it will take a while for you to be formally part of the Armed Detective Agency, but from now on, you will be taking mini tasks from us."

[Name] hums in response, nodding. "Alright," they say, resuming in stepping out of the office.

Fresh air hit them as soon as they left the building. They place their hands in their pockets, walking off towards the library. They were in no rush, they're just heading there to take a look around, maybe pick up a book or two.

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