|Chapter 9| Teaching Them to Kill; Then to Die: Part 2

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Warnings: Violence, Swearing, Possible OOC


"Y-Yosano-sensei, are you still not done?"

"Don't you dare drop anything," the doctor casually reminds, avoiding the question.

Atsushi was carrying boxes upon boxes of items, while [Name] just used their ability to carry their load. [Bookmark 1] sure is useful, being able to be shaped to their liking as long as that shape can be made by a piece of paper.

"Need help with that?" [Name] offers, gesturing to the packages in Atsushi's arms.

He shakes his head, repositioning the boxes in his arms in an attempt to balance them. "No need, [Name]-san, you're already carrying all those anyway," he remarks.

A girl in a red kimono passes by, catching Atsushi and [Name]'s attention. Her attire was making her out of place, but most people just ignored her for the sake of their daily routine.

'Omg, it's Kyouka!! I was wondering when I'd meet her..' [Name] discreetly looked at the dark-haired girl, mentally noting the events that will happen soon. 'Now I wonder what I could do to help later...' they hum in thought.

The assassin passed by Atsushi, turning her head to face him with a blank face, and in a span of a moment, they made eye contact. [Name] just looked at the scene, too awkward to do anything. The contact didn't last long, as the girl simply looked away.

"...you failure. Hurry up and send my car over!" [Name] tuned in to what seems to be an angry man yelling at his phone.

Atsushi suddenly bumped into the man, not being able to see him. "Woah!" he yelped, the tower of boxes tipping over and falling to the ground, had [Name] not prepared themself in time and caught them in another page.

The weretiger fell face-first to the floor though, [Name] not being able to catch him on time. "Ah, whoops," they sweatdrop, an awkward smile taking over their expression at their lack of thoughts on how to react.

"Ow, ow," Atsushi grumbles, rubbing his forehead before sitting up and facing the man. "A-Are you okay sir?? I'm truly sorry–"

The man looked furious squared now, dusting himself off with a scowl. "Why did you do that, you damn brat?" he sent glares at the younger male, as if he was a roach in his existence. "This is a custom suit from Europe," he states, like he was pointing out the obvious.

"S-Sorry," Atsushi apologized again, sweating.

[Name] opened their mouth to say something, before Yosano beat them to it and stepped in.

"Please forgive him, we're very sorry," she apologized with feigned genuinity, kneeling down to dust off the man's pants.

'Ooh, shit's about to go down,' [Name] side glanced for a moment, knowing they should've stepped in sooner because now, someone's about to get traumatized, and it's not Yosano.

"Shut up! Who do you think I am?" the man, now dubbed 'asshole', slapped Yosano's hand away, quite roughly too. "Know your place, woman, I'll file a complaint with your employer! I could buy and sell people like you with a single phone call!"

And [Name] could tell he's already dead.

"Hey, what's your job? Are you a tea server? A receptionist? Or perhaps something more specialized?" he had an ugly ass grin as he had the audacity to touch the doctor's face.

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