|Chapter 10| The Beauty is Quiet Like the Stone Statue: Part 1

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Warnings: Minor swearing


Armed Detective Agency Office,
A day later,

"–and then, Osamu asked the questions,"

[Name] and Atsushi were sitting right outside the infirmary, the former talking about their first few weeks' experience at the Agency. They were helping him be a little less anxious after the entire incident at the train.

"Did you guess them all correctly?" Atsushi was listening eagerly, hands on his knees as they were sitting on the floor.

"Well, duh," [Name] had to show off a little.

Atsushi couldn't help but be in awe at them. "Right, Dazai-san even confirmed it. So you guessed his previous job right off the bat, huh?" He turned his gaze from them to the tiled floor. "You're amazing, [Name]-san,"

"I dunno what to say to that," [Name] dryly chuckled in awkwardness.

The white-haired weretiger then looked back to them, head tilted as he voiced a question that was lingering ever since before taking a dive off the train. "[Name]-san."

"Yeah?" [Name] hummed, raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm," Atsushi was double-thinking on whether to ask or not. "Actually, nevermind,"

The detective blinked in confusion. "No, don't be shy. Spill. No pressure though," they nudged him by the side, urging him to continue.

"Well, uhh–"

"You've brought trouble back with you again," Atsushi got caught off before he could say anything. [Name] and Atsushi looked up, paying attention to Kunikida.

[Name] caught a phone thrown down by him, a bunny keychain rattling as they put it in their pocket, storing it to keep it safe.

"She's a lost cause. That girl's an infamous Mafia assassin," he remarks, adjusting his glasses. "She fools targets with her young appearance to lower their guard, then decimates entire organizations."

[Name] got up from the floor, dusting themself off. "She's really young, too," they remark. 'Like a bunch of characters don't have childhood trauma. Asagiri really needs to stop traumatizing kids.'

"She accomplished too much, too quickly," Kunikida sighed. "It was only a matter of time before she was caught.

"But," Atsushi spoke up, defending her. "whoever is taking advantage of her ability is the one to blame," he reasons.

[Name] nods, stretching out a bit because of sitting on a hard surface for too long. "Abilities... sometimes they're a curse to those who wield them. Sometimes, they don't really bring joy." they hum.

"You know that better than most," Kunikida referred to Atsushi, placing a hand to his hip.

Atsushi lowered his head in thought, subconsciously curling slightly into himself. "Right..."

The door to the infirmary creaked open, the dark-haired doctor peeking her head out the crack. "She's awake," Yosano informed them, opening the door further.

The three turned their heads towards her. "Do you think we can question her?" Kunikida asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, no problem," Yosano let them in.


The assassin was laying down on the infirmary's bed, not moving to resist or get up at all as she looked up to the ceiling, unblinking.

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