|Chapter 2| Fortune is Unpredictable and Mutable: Part 2

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"This is English."

"This is Japanese."

Warnings: Swearing


"You're unbelievable"

A few hours passed by since [Name] met Atsushi. The sun has set at this point, the night has claimed Yokohama.

Currently, the four of them are at a restaurant. Dazai and Kunikida sitting on one side, with Atsushi and [Name] on the other.

"Who says 'What a nice river!' and then jumps into it in the middle of a job?!" The blond complains, writing down in his notebook. He looks towards [Name]. "And you, don't think you can get away from this situation! You suddenly disappear out of nowhere and leave me to look for Dazai alone!"

Atsushi continues to quickly munch on a bowl of chazuke, listening in on the conversation. Piles upon piles of empty bowls in front of him.

He returns his gaze at the notebook. "Thanks to the both of you, look! See how off-schedule we are now?!"

Dazai was leaning on the table, elbows placed on top of it. Only half-paying attention to what he was saying. "You sure do like your schedules, Kunikida-kun."

"I feel like he cares about his schedules more than us." [Name] murmurs, resting their head on their palm.

Dazai snickers. "He probably does."

Kunikida slams his notebook into the table, catching everyone's attention. "This isn't a schedule!" He points to the cover. The word 'Ideals' is written in kanji on it. "This is an ideal! My guide in life." He was now standing up from his chair, facing the two of them. "And nowhere in it is it written that my work partners are a side-tracked disregarder of work and a suicidal maniac!" He readjusted his eyeglasses. "Also, stop talking in English! You two keep doing this and we all know you talk shit about other people in another language so we wouldn't understand!"

[Name] and Dazai just stare at him, blinking boredly and staying silent. [Name] even let out a small yawn somewhere in the middle of Kunikida's rant.

"Swugeshaitalmeynuyak?" Atsushi asks through a full mouth.

Kunikida looks at him. "Shut up!" He sits back down on his chair, leaning it slightly to the wall. "Nowhere on my projected expenses page will you find written that I will buy a million bowls of chazuke for a snot-nosed brat!"

Dazai looks back and forth between him and Atsushi, confused. While [Name] looks off towards the other direction, in thought, while still listening in on the conversation, also confused.

"Shnut-nowusdbrautt?" He leans forward. "Wutarryutriduwingeniwey?"

"Like I said, it's a job."

Dazai leans forward to [Name]'s ear. "How are they understanding each other?" He whispers.

[Name] looks towards them. "Beats me." They shrug.

"Wakaynofdyob?" He asks in the middle of chewing, leaning forward even more.

"Our job today? It involves the military." Kunikida answers.

Dazai finally asks the question in his mind. "How... exactly are you two communicating?" he asks, as confused as [Name].


"I'm so full... I don't want to see another bowl of this for at least ten years." Atsushi says happily, patting his full stomach.

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