|Chapter 4| A Certain Bomb: Part 1

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Warnings: Attempted Suicide (Nothing graphic). Minor Swearing.


"I haven't smelled tatami mats in a long time."

Atsushi blinks in his surroundings. Waking up from his slumber. "Huh? Where am I?" He mumbles to himself. "What happened last night?"

A flashback occurs to his mind, reminding him of everything that happened the past night. Dazai, [Name], the Agency, the beast... and his arm being the tiger's.

His arm being the tiger's!

He sat up right away and looked at his right arm, expecting it to be covered by the white fur with claws as sharp as knives. Fortunately, it was back to normal. Atsushi sighs, relieved that it's back to the normal flesh and nails.

Atsushi looks around the place. It was a small area, a cabinet behind him with a window in the same room, and a wooden table in the corner of the room. Shoji doors lead to a small kitchen spanning on his side, there's a broken lightbulb, a few cobwebs, but with a bit of cleaning up, this place will feel like home.

"It's been so long since I've slept under a roof." He looks above, glancing at the brown wooden ceiling.

Ring, ring!

A ringing noise startled him. "What?!" He gets himself out of the covers of the futon, then crawls around, trying to find the source of the sound.

He looks behind him to see a set of clothing and a phone on top of it. "Huh? Uh- um, uhm." He grabs the flip phone. "Okay, I'm taking the call." He looks around the device trying to figure out how it works. "I'll do it right now! Right this second!" He mutters out all in one breath, startled and hyper.

"Which button am I supposed to press?" Once he found how to open the phone, he frantically pushed all the buttons he could see. "Um. This one? C'mon, hurry up. Gosh, which one is it?" He panics, still startled.

After what seemed like forever, Atsushi finally pressed the right button.


He brings the phone up to his ear. "H-Hello?!" He greets, trying not to sound frantic.

"Good morning!" A cheery familiar voice answers through the phone. It's the suicidal detective, the one and only, Dazai.

Atsushi relaxes a bit. "Oh, Dazai-san."

"Give me back my phone, Osamu." [Name]'s voice could be heard from the other side. They get the phone back from him. "Hello, Atsushi-kun! How's the dorm?" They say as Dazai could be heard whining in the background, complaining about how painful [Name] had snatched the phone out of his hands, even if there was little to no actual pain at all.

"Great, thank you." Atsushi looks around him once more, taking in the environment around him. "Compared to sleeping outdoors, it's heavenly."

[Name] hums. "That's great! The clothes coming with the phone are a gift composed by everyone from the agency."

His eyes light up at that. How generous could this Agency be? "Thank you so much for everything!" Atsushi thanks them, not just [Name] and Dazai, everyone in the Detective Agency.

"Can you give me back the phone, [Name]-chan?" Dazai whines, which was audible through the phone.

They think about it for a while, before sighing. "Ugh, fine..." [Name] reluctantly hands him the phone. 'Bitch if you break it, I'll kill you.'

"'Kay, thanks!" He puts the phone on his ear. "By the way, Atsushi-kun, I apologize for asking this out of the blue, but there's been an emergency." Dazai revealed through the phone.

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