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"Ughh... Why is there so much paperworkkk..." [Name] groans, draping over the wooden desk at the Agency. They face their head up, looking for anything to do at the office, until their [Eye Color] irises land on an unknowing Atsushi just trying to do his report. "Hey, hey. Atsushiiii." They called.

Kunikida sighs from the other side of the desk. "Finish your work, [Name]."

[Name] pouts, pulling out their phone to go to spotify. "I was just going to ask something."

Atsushi turned his head from the small laptop, momentarily pausing his work. "What is it [Name]-san?" He raised an eyebrow, listening.

Seeing as they catched their prey, [Name] suppresses the small smirk fighting to form on their lips.

Ranpo, knowing what's about to happen, sighs. Deducting it's inevitable, he just continued to snack on the many sweets piled on his desk.

They search up that one song perfect for this. "Hey, Atsushi, have you heard about Candace?" [Name] asks.

"PFT–" Dazai nearly drops the glass he filled with bleach.

"Oh God..." Kunikida pinches the bridge of his nose, already falling for this once.

"Huh? Candace? Who's Candace?"

|Now playing Murders by Miracle Musical|

♪All, for nothing at all♪

"Huh? W-What?– Where'd that music come from?–"

Ranpo watches in amusement as Atsushi falls farther into your trap, shoving chips as a substitute for popcorn into his mouth.

Dazai looks at the scene from the entrance of the hallway with the glass in his hands, adding what seems like flavoring into the mixture.

[Name] grinned. "Candace nuts fit in your mouth."

They watched as Atsushi's eyes widened. New fear unlocked✓

"No but seriously, have you heard about her? I heard she caught Ligma."

Kunikida slams his head into the desk as facepalm. "Ugh. Great, hitting it with another one." He murmurs.

Atsushi gulped. "L-Ligma? Is that a disease? What's Ligma?"



"GOD CAN YOU STOP WITH THE LIGMA JOKES?" Kunikida screams, traumatized.

[Name] decides to torture them more, pulling up with the famous Light Yagami laugh. "Never. For I am the great being Sugmai."

Kunikida's face turned into pure confusion. "Who's Sugmai?"

They grinned, and Kunikida and Atsushi knew they just fell for another one of their traps. It all came together like a perfect puzzle written out on [Name]'s mind. As if everything were scripted. Soon, the final piece was placed in.

"Sugmai nuts."

Needless to say, Atsushi and Kunikida refused to talk to them for the rest of the day.

"Free entertainment." Ranpo remarks, taking a sip of his strawberry flavored ramune.

"Hah... exactly the chaos I needed." [Name] stretched their arms over their head, the sleeve of their uniform sliding a bit down to their elbow.

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