|Chapter 8| Scarlet Fist Assosciation: Part 1

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Warnings: Swearing.


9 weeks after getting isekai'd...
Uzumaki Cafe, 11:27 AM

"So, [Last Name]-chan does have an ability?" The raven-haired detective asks, before plopping a marshmallow in his mouth.

You nod, confirming it.

It had been a week since you got kidnapped and held hostage.

When the Agency had arrived at the scene, seeing you and the hologram book, they knew you could improve your ability with enough training. And possibly even join the Armed Detective Agency.

You thought of joining too. Being a member of the Agency allows you a direct way of being in the plot. It will make this whole thing easier. Plus, being closer to them will allow you to [Bookmark] their abilities.

They have poured more attention on you now, even finding out how your ability works with the help of Ranpo. You had an ability, one that could benefit or harm the Agency. The room for improvement is almost limitless. Joining the agency is like reaching mutualism in symbiotic relationships; both factors benefit from the relationship.

All you have to do is pass the test. Pass the test to join the Agency; you can have a big advantage.

Currently, Ranpo, Dazai and you are sitting in one of the booths on the far back of the Uzumaki Cafe. There were no customers inside but you three, but that doesn't mean that the restaurant wasn't popular.

You sat on one side, the other two sat on the other. You could feel the tenseness in place, feeling a brown pair of eyes boring into your soul. Dazai studied every part of your being, a sharpness in his eyes you never had directed by him to you. He's assessing your newfound ability.

Deciding to break the silence, you speak. "So... what now?" You say, trying to get a conversation out.

Dazai leans towards the table, placing his elbows on it and resting his head on his hand. "You'll be joining the agency." He calmly states. "Your ability has a lot of potential and can pose a threat when used by the wrong people. So for your safety, and for the sake of controlling your ability, I talked to the president about letting you join. Of course, this will also benefit the Agency, you can help us out."

You breathe out a small sigh. If this is your chance to join the Agency, you'll take it. "You mean... I'll have to join?"

"We'll let you decide, we won't force you." The brunet shrugs. "Though, joining will have its perks."

Ranpo places another marshmallow in his mouth. He chews a bit before speaking. "The agency could use someone like you, you're pretty strong, I can see that you're pretty smart as well." He grins before adding. "Of course, not as smart as me though."

"Of course I won't be, you're the world's greatest detective, after all." You brush his ego, not wanting to have him be your enemy.

A small tint of blush appears on him. He likes having you give him praises. Ranpo looks away, shoving more sweets into his mouth to get his mind off of that.

|+10 [Friendship Points] for character: [Edogawa Ranpo]!|

"If you want to join, contact either me or Kunikida-kun. We'll inform the president." Dazai says. He suddenly has the usual side he has back.

"There's no need for that." You take a deep breath. "I already made up my mind."

Dazai perks up at that, raising an eyebrow. "Oh?"

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