|Chapter 11| Rashoumon and the Weretiger: Part 2

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Warnings: minor swearing, minor violence, major cringe



[Name] managed to block Akutagawa's attack just in time for the weretiger to get Kyouka away from him. Atsushi landed behind him, the unconscious assassin in his transformed arms. Smoke surrounded them, filling up the damaged ground in heavy black. Akutagawa turned around, glaring at the tiger.

Atsushi lowered his head. "Fight me, Akutagawa!" he challenged, determination in his eyes.


A few moments earlier,

"Name-san," Atsushi called, making them turn to him. "Please let me fight him, alone,"

[Name]'s eyes widened, but relaxed just as quickly. "Nuh uh, not a chance, young man," they huffed, closing their eyes. "Unless..." they peeked at him, side glancing at Atsushi. "–you have a good reason,"

Atsushi clenches his fist, swallowing. "I need to be able to fend for myself," he answers. "That way I can fend for others too."

The detective eyed him, before feigning a sigh. "Fine, but I'll step in if it gets out of hand," [Name] stated.

He nodded. "Thank you, [Name]-san,"

|+3 [Friendship Points] for character [Nakajima Atsushi]!|


Atsushi gently handed Kyouka to [Name]. Akutagawa accepted a one-on-one with Atsushi. Once Kyouka was safe with [Name], Atsushi made his way to his opponent.

"So you don't need their help to protect you this time?" Akutagawa was being his sassy emo self.

"So you don't need their help to protect you this time?" Akutagawa was being his sassy emo self

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[Name] had to stop themself from laughing. "Nah, Atsushi's strong enough."

Moving away from [Name] in the conversation, Akutagawa instead focused on Atsushi. "It now seems curious to me," Akutagawa started. "...but I felt things between us would end up like this eventually."

Pipes hissed beneath the damaged floor of the ship, hissing out gas into the air. "You'll miss out on the bounty." Atsushi remarks, standing just a few feet away from him.

"Don't worry," Akutagawa replied. "I had no intentions of handing you over to them alive."

"I can't forgive you," A low tone of anger was in Atsushi's voice, glaring at Akutagawa.

An equal stare of hatred was in Akutagawa's dark gray eyes. "The same goes for me."

Suddenly, an explosion blew off. [Name] moved a page to protect them and Kyouka, before moving towards the end of the ship to drop Kyouka off to Kunikida.

"Kunikida!" they yelled for his attention, looking down from the ship's edge into the small boat.

Kunikida turned his attention to them, hand on the boat's wheel. [Name] was right about the boat being attacked by extra forces, as there were two unconscious gunmen tied up. They might have overestimated the attack, as Kunikida clearly beat the shit out of the two of them easily.

[Name] jumped off of the ship, pages flying underneath them to form a slope. They slid down on their feet, landing on the boat.

"Where's Atsu–" before Kunikida could speak, [Name] transferred Kyouka to him.

"He's fighting emo boy, I'll look after him." [Name] answered.

A loud crash suddenly came from the ship, before even more debri flew everywhere. This ship would be a pain to repair, if there will be even anything left to repair. Flashes of red and blue was seen from below.

Kunikida sweatdropped. "Do you think Atsushi is winning?" he asked.



He was, in fact, winning.

[Name] observed from above, at the sidelines. As promised, they don't interfere until something dire happens, like a massive injury that didn't happen in canon.

So far, the fight followed how it went in the show, as far as [Name] remembers.

[Name] watched as Atsushi fell from Rashoumon's prison jaws, only to wrap the tiger's tail around Akutagawa.

Atsushi sent a punch towards him, his transformed arm cracking the devoured space. The attack shattered the seemingly unbreakable barrier, managing to get to Akutagawa.

Akutagawa grew unconscious, his body plunging into the sea.

The [Hair Color]-haired detective winces at the sight, before willing a page to catch Atsushi before he falls as well. 'Sorry, emo boy, maybe I can convince Osamu to say something to you in the future.'

[Name] made their way down their small platform, helping the tired Atsushi up to leave the ship.

The entire ship shook, tilting to the side. Atsushi shook awake, staggering. "[N-Name]-san, I can–"

They jumped out of the ship, pulling Atsushi with them just in time before another explosion came, Kunikida caught them from the boat.

"Rest," they stated, a soft smile gracing their features as they looked at him. "You did well."

Kunikida looked back, looking at Atsushi. "You big idiot," he sighs, turning around to maneuver the boat, before an unnoticeable smile made its way to his face, hidden away from everyone else. "Well done."


Stray Secrets:

●Atsushi wonders why you're very protective over people in the Agency.
●[Name] felt the tension between the two.
●They wanted to eat some popcorn while watching the two fight, but [Shop] didn't sell any snacks.
●[Name] has said the word "emo" 4 times this entire chapter.
●This chapter is the shortest one so far.


Question of the Day:
Favorite scene so far?


(A/n) This entire chapter is just cringefail I'm sobbing guys
I'm actually an under 16 writer with English not being my first language 😞🙏🙏
Sorry for the extremely short chapter, I had to rush it 😭
I'll try to write a longer one now that exams are over and it's acad break 😔🙏
jjk x bsd fic brewing in the works hehe (I need to stop doing multiple projects at the same time)
again, super sorry that this is short!! 😭😭😭

Thank you for reading! Have a great day/night and take care of yourselves, loves!<33


2.9 pages
933 words


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