Christmas Special |Part 1|

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Warnings: Swearing



|What now?|

"It's almost Christmas, just three weeks away,"


"Wh–" [Name] jolts, wincing as they cover their ears. "You didn't have to blast the music so loudly, you little shit–!" they half-yell, sitting up and glaring at the screen.


The music keeps playing, making [Name] want to murder whoever or whatever [System] is. "If you don't shut up right now I'm going to rip you in half," they threatened.


"I'm trying to sleep, asshole," they bring up, hoping that it will take mercy on them and halt the song so that they could rest.

|Be serious, you are not gonna sleep until like 3 AM lmao|

[Name] turned on mute, still keeping their hands on their ears as the song kept going. "Just shush, I'm trying to think," they grumble, annoyance clear as day.

|You're no fun 😔|

The music turned down, quiet enough to be just like a whisper of a lullaby, except it's a Christmas song.


"Very," [Name] answers, forcing a smile that didn't even try to hide the amount of annoyance they felt. They let out a sigh, taking off their hands from their ears as they lean back into the headboard.

|Are you gonna buy a gift for everyone in the Agency?|

The [Eye Color]-eyed detective shrugs their shoulders, sagging into the cushions. "Yeah, probably. Which means I have to go shopping again..." they hum in thought. "Unless,"

|I won't give you stuff for free, [Name]|

[Name] scoffs, rolling their eyes. "As expected," they hum to themself, opening the [Menu] and going to the [Shop] to browse through items they could buy.

Unfortunately, the [Shop] only contained items that are alike to video game materials, which aren't really present-worthy. [Name] frowned, sighing at the thought of having to go out and buy things.

"Damn," they grumble. 'And I'm pretty sure I'm low on yen too after Osamu and Ranpo made me pay for a whole ass dessert buffet because of a bet.'

|Skill issue|

"Shut it," [Name] didn't find the energy in them to start bickering with the stupid hologram with its taunting words.

They check the amount of [Coins] they have, opening their [Inventory] to exchange the currency to yen.

|2,018,527 [Coins]|

Seeing as they actually have some sort of wealth, they sigh in relief. "Okay, I'm buying everyone in the ADA a gift,"

|Rich ass|

"I spent a year doing [Quests], what did you expect?" they merely wave it off, going on to exchange currencies.

|You want to exchange 10,000 coins for 250,000 yen?|
|Yes| |No|

'I am so going broke after this,' [Name] confirms the exchange in order to prevent themself from double thinking.

|Yes| |No|
|Exchange successful!|

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