|Chapter 13| Borne Back Ceaselessly Into the Past: Part 1

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Warnings: minor swearing



"Dazai, get yourself off of [Name],"

"But I'm sleepy–"

[Name] scoffs, pushing him off of them. "You slept all day yesterday, the fuck you mean?" they grumble. "There's a chair right there, stop sitting on mine when I'm sitting on it. We can't both fit in here."

Dazai huffs, overdramatically sighing. Of course, him being him, he takes up more space on their chair, practically leaning on [Name] like some backrest.

The [Hair Color] detective fought back the urge to bash his head into the desk. Because self-control is important. "Osamu, I swear to–"

"I didn't hear anything about us living together!" Atsushi's exclamation was heard throughout the entire office, making the three look at him. He was panting, he practically ran to the office. Kyouka was beside him, unphased as ever.

"Yes, well, we are a tad short on rooms." Dazai replied, talking as if it was no problem. He leaned away, facing Atsushi, finally giving [Name] some room to move. "Plus, half off on rent is a boon on your rookie salary, no?" he sent a knowing wink.

"You sound like you're advertising something," [Name] remarks, steadying themself on their chair in order not to fall unbalanced.

Atsushi looks at his seniors judgmentally, before going back to the matter at hand. "But...!"

"She's already agreed to it," Dazai hums, gesturing to the ex-assassin. "Right?"

"As you wish," she replied, seemingly having no opinion over the room assignment as she stares back at Atsushi. Like a silent observation on whether he seemed okay to have her around.

[Name] gestured for Atsushi to come closer, in which he did, leaning down so they could whisper to him. "Look, she's being chased by the Mafia. Kyouka has no relatives or anyone close that she can turn to. A Mafia assassin might come for her for betraying them."

The brunet butted in, nodding in agreement. "Living by herself is perilous indeed!"

"T-True enough," Atsushi got it, turning to Kyouka, who had a questioning look.

"Protect her, okay?" Dazai gave him a pat on the shoulder, making everything bigger than it actually is, in true Dazai fashion. "It's a reeeaaally big job for you!"

Of course, Atsushi falls for it. "All right! I'll do my best!" he claims, gleaming brightly.

Kunikida glanced at them, before walking towards Dazai, a few files in his arms. "Hey, Dazai." he called.

"Hm?" Dazai absently replies, tilting his head towards the blond.

"Give me a report on your Mafia ordeal already," Kunikida states, hand on hip.

He slowly turned to [Name], a cheeky look on his face.

"Not a chance,"

Dazai sighs, turning back to him. "Oh, I know!" Dazai snaps his fingers, pointing at Kunikida. "Care to rock-paper-scissors over it, Kunikida-kun?"

"No. Write it yourself," he quickly turned the offer down, learning from his mistakes and not going against Dazai in a game.

"Did you come back to work just to be a menace...?" [Name] mutters, head in their hands while they rest their arm on the table, their free hand spinning a pen around their fingers.

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