Christmas Special |Part 2|

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Warnings: Swearing, OOC, possible cringe, kinda got gloomy at one point but nothing angsty yet


"Okay, so you just– No, you just made it worse," [Name] groaned, facepalming.

"[NAME]-CHAN HELP IT'S STRANGLING ME IN A BAD WAY!!" Dazai dramatically complained, comically waving around his hands, only causing it to get tighter.

He somehow managed to get himself tangled in Christmas lights, even when [Name] specifically said not to touch them, since they know he'll just end up trying to kill himself with it like a rope.

Atsushi stares at his seniors half-judgmentally, turning to the more-responsible one of the three. "Are you sure we can trust them with helping decorate the office?" he sweatdropped.

"Maybe not," Kunikida sighs in exasperation, pushing up his glasses while ignoring his co-workers.

[Name] tried to untangle the ends of the Christmas lights, unlooping whatever monstrosity Dazai created.

"This is such a bad way to die," Dazai couldn't keep quiet, and had to weep in normal Dazai-fashion, moving around like he can't sit still for a minute.

They fought back the urge to facepalm again, yanking the threads off. "Dude, just stay still. I think I found a way to untie it," [Name] grumbles, eyebrows knitted in focus. They were an expert at detangling items, like annoying earbuds.

Dazai slumped in defeat, letting them do their thing to [Name]'s luck. After some moments of tugging and untangling, the Christmas lights came undone.

The brunet of course, had to sigh in relief dramatically. "Ah, [Name]-chan, my savior!" he exclaimed, making Kunikida sigh and facepalm as he put up a Christmas tree according to the manual.

"Okay, now I want to strangle you myself," [Name] was in no mood to be silly, the result of pulling an all-nighter.

"Really?" Dazai's eyes lit up at those words, fascinated by getting choked to death by none other than [Last Name] [Name].

Their eye twitched in annoyance. "Because you said that, out of spite, I'm never gonna kill you," [Name] swears.

"Nooo! I want to die. I want to die as quickly as possible. [Name]-chan, how can I die?" Dazai whines like a fucking toddler, unnecessarily making everything way more dramatic than needed.

"Here we go again," [Name] exhales, swearing they'll age faster than average because of being within Dazai's presence. Kunikida can relate to their pain.

Someone tapped on [Name]'s shoulder, making them turn around. "[Nickname], let's go get snacks, I ate them all already," the ravenet said, which was more like commanding than pleading.

'Great, another nuisance, although more tolerable than Osamu,' [Name] feels their calmness slip away. "Ranpo-san, I refilled the snack drawer in the kitchen." they informed.

"Ah, okay," Ranpo nodded, he already knew, just decided to be a little bastard and still bother them for fun. "Atsushi, get me some snacks, I'm hungry," and with that, he already walked off.

"[Last Name]-san!" [Name]'s motivation was being broken bit by bit. "Where do we put these boxes?" a clerk asks, nodding his head to the boxes in his hands.

[Name] felt like dying at the amount of work. "I'm pretty sure those equipment go to the infirmary, ask Yosano-sensei first though," they instructed.

"Alright, thank you," he gives a small bow of gratitude and heads off, doing whatever errand he's running.

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