Chapter Eleven

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You wake up really excited for the day ahead. Lilah is coming with you to the gym this morning because she wants to join you for a little workout, see what it's all about. You'll also be dressing up with Zach tonight and going out to dinner together. There really is a lot to look forward too so you jump out of bed and get ready quickly as you also have to pick up Lilah.

 There really is a lot to look forward too so you jump out of bed and get ready quickly as you also have to pick up Lilah

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"Hey. You excited?" You ask as she climbs into the passenger seat.
"I don't know I'm kinda scared." She admits.
"What do you mean? Why would you be scared?" You ask pulling out of the lane and onto the road.
"You go to the gym everyday, I'm intimidated." She says.
"It's okay. If something is a little too much you don't have to do it." You reassure her.
"So I'm just following you?"
"Yeah I thought that would be the best."
"Okay and this is the gym you met Zach at." She asks smiling wide at you.
"I met him at the beach but yes this is the gym where I ran into him again and actually spoke to him." You correct her.
"You'll feel good though."
"I'm hoping I wanna be looking nice before Hawaii."
"Yesss. We should all be getting together and working out together before we leave." You get excited.
"You know dam well there is no way you're getting Kaia out of bed this early to go to the gym." She dampens your idea.
"We don't have to get up this early we can schedule to accommodate everyone." You really start to plan everything.
"I mean we'll see after today. I don't want to commit to something if this ends up being hell."
"It's not going to be hell." You defend the gym.

Finally the two of you arrive at the gym and of course you know where you're going. This isn't you're first time being here. Lilah is very very much a confused little kid following you around like you're her mum. It's extremely funny but you take her to the locker rooms where you put all your shit away before going to the treadmills for a quick little run to warm you up before getting in to the real workout.

Just as you're getting off the treadmills you run into a very familiar face. "What are you doing here." Zach asks approaching the two of you.
"She came to see what it's all about." You answer.
"So Lilah will also be a recurring face?" He double checks.
"If this isn't hell maybe everyone now and again." Lilah informs him.
"Well I'm assuming you're just going a little bit of everything so it shouldn't be that bad." Zach reassures Lilah.
"Nah." You sadly destroy the reassurance.
"What?" He asks so confused.
"Yeah." You smile knowing this is going to be a fun session.
"What you got her doing then?" He asks really confused.
"Leg day. My favourite."
"You've got her doing leg day with her, her first time coming to the gym." He replies so shocked.
"Yeah. I've already warned her that if she doesn't want to do something or is struggling she can stop but I mean it's better than cardio."
"I didn't even like doing leg day with you." He responds clearly not supporting your decision on leg day.
"Yeah but you're a guy. You only really care about making your biceps, back and chest look good it was inevitable for you not to enjoy leg day with me." You defend yourself.
"I'm really confused." Lilah reminds you guys that she's standing there.
"Well all I'm saying is you keep declining my offer to workout with me and give you some muscle in your biceps, back and chest." He comes back with sas.
"Okay whatever we've got stuff to do but I'll see you later at eight." You say ending the conversation.
"Make sure you're looking good." He reminds you.
"She always looks good what do you mean." Lilah says trailing behind you.
"True that." He replies out of your ear shot.

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