Chapter Twenty Two

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|Another week later|

You wake up a week later having meet Zach's parents, signed the contract with cider, started discussing the creative plan, spent some time with the girls catching up, ordered plane tickets to Seattle, packed to go to Seattle and are now waking up to go with Zach to the airport to fly out to Seattle and visit your family. You're extremely excited. You get to see your parents again. Your brothers again. The best part is probably being able to see Olive though. She'll be due soon and you haven't really got the opportunity to see her much throughout the pregnancy so you want to smother her with love and gifts this trip. Plus you, Molly and Olive being back together is always a fun time for everyone. It's going to be great as long as Ethan and Adam don't go too hard on the overprotective brother act.
"Good morning." Zach mumbles as he wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you closer.
"Good morning."
"Are you excited to go see your family today?" He asks.
"Of course I am. Are you?"
"Well I'm going to go have a shower then. You have fun. Make sure you're ready though." You kiss him goodbye.
"What no. I need to have a shower too." He make excuses.
"Fine stay here you can have one once I'm done."
"Why can I just come with you."
"Because I don't want to this morning."
"Fine. Don't worry about me."
"I won't." You smirk walking into the bathroom.

Leaving the bathroom you feel clean and ready to get on the plane

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Leaving the bathroom you feel clean and ready to get on the plane. Ready to go see your family. "You can go shower now." You inform him.
"Nah I'll be good." He responds already dressed and ready to go.
"I'm already changed."
"But you said you wanted to have a shower."
"I didn't actually."
"Whatever we wouldn't have time anyway considering how long it takes for you to get ready." You say as you roll your eyes.
"Just make sure you've got everything you're going to need." You remind him.
"Don't worry." He takes your hands and pull your lips towards his.

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