Chapter Twenty Three

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|3 days after being home|

After getting back from Seattle you slide right back in to place comfortably. Comfortable enough to have been able to take time out of your busy day of meetings, emails and content preparation for a day at Daniel's place in the pool. You're not exactly sure who is going to be there but it sounds fun, plus who doesn't love a little break after a long break. It really does just sound like a great day.

Arriving at Daniel's house you feel comfortable enough to just open the door and walk in

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Arriving at Daniel's house you feel comfortable enough to just open the door and walk in. Especially considering it sounds like everyone is already outside in the backyard. You actually seem to be correct given you walk out the sliding door and find some of the guys in the pool meanwhile the girls it along the edge. There is few more people than you were expecting, That scared you a little bit but you're good at hiding it so you place a smile on your face and approach the pool. "Hey guys." You make your presence known.
"Oh hey Y/n." Daniel smiles before turning back to what he was doing.
"I like you're shirt." Lera smiles as you stand there awkwardly unsure whether to sit down with the girls and join in whatever conversation they're in or jump in with the boys.
"Thank you."
"You can sit down you know." Kat welcomes you to sit down beside you.
"Oh okay." You slide of your shoes but as you move to take a step forward you feel pulled back, you can't make the step forward.
"What the?" You blurt out confused.
"Hey." A familiar cheeky voice responds.
"Zach really." You roll your eyes.
"How did you know it was me?" He says placing a kiss on your neck.
"Because who else would it be." You respond as he places yet another kiss on your neck.
"You look really good." He whispers before placing a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you but can I go sit down."
"I guess so. Let me know if you need to be introduced to anyone." He finally sets you free.
"Okay." You spin around place a kiss on his lips and take a seat on the edge of the pool beside next to Lera.

Sitting down you try to gather the topic of conversation but thankfully it changed quite quickly. "So where are the other girls Y/n?" Lera asks.
"You mean Kaia, Lilah and Evie?" You ask.
"Yeah are they not coming today?" She asks next.
"I don't know, no one ever asked me to bring them along with me." You respond.
"It's okay Daniel might have texted them himself." Kat analyses. "Hey babe did you invite Kaia, Lilah and Evie?"
"I sent them a message yeah." He replies.
"Well there you go. They're probably just a little late."
"Sorry I don't mean to interrupt what I'm Chelsey." One of the girls you couldn't recognise places a name to her face.
"Y/n." You smile in response.
"Oh yeah I'm Nezza by the way."
"Well It's nice to meet you guys."
"Tell me if I'm over stepping but was that you and Zach before?" Chelsey asks with a grin.
"Umm yeah."
"They're together Chelsey." Annmarie huff out a mix of a smile an a laugh.
"Oh omg. I didn't know. You guys are really cute together." She laughs as her stupidity.
"It's okay we've been keeping things to ourselves."
"They both only just met each others parents." Kat seems more excited what you two have been up than yourselves.
"How did you guys meet?" Nezza asks.
"We met at the beach."You smile remembering it all.
"Briefly!" Zach yells as he jumps into the pool.
"Yes briefly." You repeat.
"Then I saw her at the gym." Zach emerges from the water.
"I thought he was stalking me. I mean what's the chance I see a guy one day at the beach and then the next morning all of a sudden he's working out at the same gym as me." You continue telling the story.
"She still was so in love with me, I mean come on who wouldn't but she then left me all alone for a week. Said it was some New York Fashion week thing." He rolls his eyes swimming in front of you girls. "When she got back home though I made sure to snatch her up for lunch. And the rest is history."
"Wow. Romantic." Chelsey laughs.
"Of course if you want to know more stories I'd be more than happy to share." He smirks.
"No you will not."
"No you will not what?" Lilah asks sitting beside you.
"Oh hi." You smile.
"You look very cute today." Evie compliments.
"You know you guys have to actually get in. You can't just sit here and watch us all day."
"And who said that Herron." Annmarie asks.
"Me of course."
"Zach stop annoying the girls. Come join us." Antony yells.
"Fine." He rolls his eyes yet again.

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