Chapter Fourteen

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|Wednesday the following week|

Today is finally the day. You and the girls will be getting on a plane in a couple of hours to fly over to Hawaii and spend a week in a gorgeous villa on the beach. It's going to a wonderful time. Sitting in the sand, swimming in the ocean, exploring the lush land. Despite being having been before you're really excited to be with the girls who you already will make sure the trip is just that more memorable then the first time. With that being said you can't start relaxing until you actually get there. For now it's going to be a stressful hell as you double check to make sure you have everything you need, get ready and try to make sure your own time even with traffic.

One thing you weren't expecting was to be packing your last minute essentials and find your phone going off because you're getting a call from Zach. You expecting it to be the girls just asking something but no Zach stays surprising you apparently. "What are you doing calling me?" You ask setting your phone down beside you so you can continue the more important task.
"What do you mean what am I doing? Am I not allowed to call you anymore?" Zach asks.
"No. I didn't mean it like that I was just confused as to what you're calling me. You do understand that I am leaving today with the girls? I can't hangout." You double check.
"Yeah. That's why I was calling." Zach replies.
"No you can't come with us we don't have another ticket." You jump before he can even ask.
"I don't want another ticket." He surprises you.
"Really? Are you sure?" You peer down at you phone confused with shock.
"Yes. I was calling about something else." He replies seeming a little bit agitated.
"Okay I'm sorry. Inform me then." You let him have the floor to speak.
"I just wanted to let you know I'll be over in a couple minutes to take you to the airport."
"What!?" You pick the phone up.
"You're not already at the airport are you?" He asks.
"No I'm sitting at home still but why would you come and pick me up." You asks.
"Because it's cheaper than you calling an Uber." He informs you.
"You're already in your way aren't you?" You put two and two together.
"Yeah. I'm five minutes away." He smirks.
"I've still got shit to do though." You set the phone down in-front of you now.
"I know. I'll help you." He smiles so proud of himself.
"Whatever I don't have time to explain to you how stupid you are." You give in and get back to your list of tasks.

Before you know it you're being interrupted by Zach knocking on your door and telling you to come and let him in through your phone still sitting on call with him. Once you've let him in he follows you to your room to see what your working with and what he could help out with in the mean time.
"What are you doing?" He asks sitting on the end of your bed.
"I'm packing my carry on now." You answer sitting back down on the floor in front of your bags.
"Is there anything I could help you out with?" He asks.
"I mean you could go into the fridge and cut me up some fruit for breakfast. I'll be finished here in a little bit." You suggest.
"What fruit?"He ask standing on his feet.
"Umm there are some grapes, strawberries, watermelon, apple and maybe some blueberries."
"And you just want me to cut it up and make what a little fruit bowl?" He double checks.
"Yeah you can make yourself one if you'd like. It's probably best I try and use it all before it goes bad while I'm gone." You inform him.

|An hour and half later|

You've now arrived at the airport, made your way through security, met up with the girls and found your way onto the plane. Zach helped keep you company preparing a delicious bowl of fruit for the two of you, clean up the dirty dishes for you, helping bring you bags down to his car and then of course he drove you to the airport. For the flight you will be sitting beside Evie though and although you plan on listening to music, getting some rest and maybe reading a book the four of you wanna have a little conversation through the seats.
"So what are we doing when we get there?" Evie asks you.
"I don't think we really have anything planned. Just explore the villa. Find somewhere to eat. There really isn't anything organised until Thursday." You tell her.
"Okay." She smiles. "Sooo."
You are completely unaware of what is going to come out of her mouth but you have a feeling it's not going to be something you'll like. "Yes?"
"I saw Zach leaving the parking lot as I was coming in." Her smile turn into a smirk.
"Yeah he forced me into letting him drive me."
"Aww well isn't he sweet." Lilah joins in the conversation from in-front of you.
"I bet he's going to miss you and be all clingy and gross when you get back Tuesday." Kaia also gives her opinion.
"You know what. I kinda miss it when you guys just let me live my life without worrying about boys or if they're going to miss me or be clingy."
"Well maybe you could meet someone else in Hawaii and not tell us about him." Kaia laughs.
"Okay that enough for me I'm putting my headphone in." You say grabbing your headphones from your bag and connecting them to your phone so you can play some music and ignore their annoying comments.

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