Chapter Sixteen

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|Two weeks later|

You wake up two weeks later after working really hard to catch up on all the work you out aside to be able to go to Hawaii. You've finally got back into your normal routine which means you've now got to get out of bed and and start getting ready to go to the gym. After a nice workout you're hoping to get changed and find a nice little cafe where you can sit, get some work done, have lunch and spend some time outside of the house.

 After a nice workout you're hoping to get changed and find a nice little cafe where you can sit, get some work done, have lunch and spend some time outside of the house

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While in the middle of your workout you feel a little tap on your shoulder and turn around to find Zach smiling at you. "Hey."
"Hey." You repeat.
"How are you?" He asks.
"I'm good. How are you?" You repeat the question back to him.
"I'm good too. What are you doing later?"
"Umm once I've finished here I plan to find a nice little cafe and sit down to get some work done. Why do you ask?" You answer.
"I was thinking we could maybe try and hangout sometime. Maybe you could send me the location of whatever cafe you find and we could have lunch together." Zach suggests.
"Yeah that sounds good with me. I'll let you know where I set up shop then." You smile.
"Okay perfect I've got a little present for you." He smiles wide.
"Really?" You ask
"Yeah. I'm sure you'll love it."
"Why did you do that?"
"Because I can of course." He transitions Jim's smile into a smirk. "I'm assuming you want me to leave you be now." He laughs.
"If you wouldn't mind, yeah." You smirk.
"Make sure you let me know where you're going for lunch then." He reminds you before placing a quick peck on your lips and walking away.
"I will."

Following your hopes, after your workout you make your way back into the change rooms and find yourself leaving in a nice summer outfit, perfect for sitting outside a cafe. Slap some makeup on the car and set off on your mission to find a nice quiet cafe for you to spend your day working at.

Sitting down and a decently sized table outside in the corner, out of anyone's way you order some breakfast and a coffee before unpacking your computer and everything you'll need to make this arrangement work

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Sitting down and a decently sized table outside in the corner, out of anyone's way you order some breakfast and a coffee before unpacking your computer and everything you'll need to make this arrangement work. Not that long after you've powered up your computer and opens your emails you're delivered a plate of delicious breakfast by your waitress. "Here's your food mam." She smiles are you.
"Oh thank you this looks delicious." You admire the food. "Umm quick question though."
"Yes? How may I help you?" She asks.
"I just wanted to make sure you guys don't mind if I sit out here a do some work today. I'm more than happy to find somewhere else if I get in anyone's way."
"No no no. Your perfectly fine sitting here. The only thing is to be able to keep your table to will have to order something again in the next couple of hours. Just so we're not turning away good money without making any." She explains.
"No that is completely understandable. I've actually planned to have someone meet me for lunch." You explain.
"Perfect. Enjoy your meal." She smiles before walking away.
As soon as you're alone with your breakfast you pick up your knife and fork to start eating. While your eating your mind is running past a bunch of different thoughts one that you can't help but pass a couple times is Zach saying he's got a gift for you. Why would he have a gift for you. What would posses him to get a gift for you? Has something important happened that would result in him getting you a gift? Does he feel the need to get you a gift? What could the gift be? Your not overthinking this gift but instead your quiet curious to find out what it actually is and his reasoning behind getting it. It adds a little bit of extra excitement to seeing Zach, you'll get to figure out what this gift is as well as spend time with him. You've got to remind yourself that you're having breakfast though and you'll be seeing each other at lunch so you've still got a couple hours that you need to make sure you're focused on doing work.

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