Chapter Twenty One

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|Almost a month later|

You and Zach have been building each other relationship for the past two or so months that you've officially been together. You've spent multiple nights together staying awake talking to each other or cuddling. You've shared your struggled or concerns with things going on in your own lives. You've went on way more dates and made seeing each other a regular occurrence. In your own personal lives there has also been a lot going on. You've personally been working really hard with Lucas pushing out new things for your followers. Along with balancing to make time for the girls and the other friendships you've been making. Today is a extremely exciting day for you though. You're not aware of it yet but you will be soon.

When leaving the gym you receive a call from Lucas. It's not crazy out of the norm. He knows that you like to go to the gym first thing in the morning but you have told him before that if there is something important he needs to inform you about he can happily give you a call. Answering the phone that means you're expecting it to be about your schedule changing or there is some work extra work that he's had to leave with you. That doesn't end up being the chase though. He's got much more exciting news. "Hey, whats up?" You answer the phone.
"Oh nothing much I just wanted to give you a call so I could inform you about an offer I've received." He answers joyfully. Sounding full of smiles.
"Really. You should have just emailed me I would have seen it. I'm getting home from the gym now."
"It's not something I wanted to share with you over email." He responds taking your heart into a growing pit in your stomach.
"Is it something bad. Why wouldn't you be able to share it over email?" You ask with your mind running through thousands of potential scenarios.
"I mean it depends how you will take it. I'm sure you'll be extremely excited though." He laughs a little bit through the phone.
"Can you please just put me out of my misery and inform me about this offer we've received." You sweat.
"So I've received an email from a certain company asking if you would be interesting in working with them." He beats around the bush.
"Lucas I love you but you're being really annoying right now. Who the hell is this?" You ask.
"Umm I think you're aware of the brand cider right?"
Immediately hearing the name cider come out of Lucas' mouth you are even more annoyed. It was only a month or two ago that you were posting a brand deal from cider. Of course you've heard them. As the information soaks in though you're starting to realise that he said 'work with you' not 'brand deal' as he normally would. This is the one time you let yourself overthink. You're overthinking what this could possibly mean. I mean it's probably not the greatest in the case of getting your hopes up but still this could be extremely good news.
"Lucas what do you mean work with me?" You ask anxious for a response.
"I mean they are interesting in working with you."
"Lucas what do you mean. Like a brand deal or something else?" You ask a million times more nervous than previously.
"The email was talking about offering a potential collection with cider. They said that they understand if you want further information and so we've organised a meeting for 11:30 so that we can ask questions and stuff." He answers filling you with pure excitement.
"Are joking me!" You yelp.
"No why would I be joking?" Lucas asks dumb founded.
"Lucas thats fucking amazing news! I love cider. More than half of the clothes in my closet are cider clothes. They've never done specific collections for people before either! I don't care what the different implications we are I'm doing this! It's a massive opportunity" You cheer in excitement.
"We're still going to need to sit down with them and discuss all the different implications and limits though." Lucas reminds you.
"That's perfectly okay with me. I'll go think up some questions." You smile pulling up to a red light.
"That sounds perfect for me." Lucas laughs before hanging up.

Sitting behind the train of cars lined up behind the red light you're in complete shock. Cider wants you. They reached out for you. They've never done a specific collection before but they want you. This in an absolutely magical opportunity it actually brings tears to your eyes. As you're sitting there with happy tears streaming down your face you realise that you could actually do so much more than just produce a collection with your favourite brand. This meeting that is scheduled for 11:30 you'll actually have loads to discuss with the brand.

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