Chaper Two

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|A week and an half later|

For the past week or so things have just been going as they normally do. You've been hanging out with your friends, working, reading, drawing, going to the gym. The same gym where you ran into Zach and have continued to run into Zach. Considering your location the two of you haven't really had any conversations to actually get to know each other. When you do run into each other thought, you very easily and very comfortably say 'hello, how are you doing? Enjoy your workout'. You would be lying to yourself if you didn't enjoy seeing him at the gym though. It's not a gym crush. It's not a crush at all. The two of you know nothing about each other besides your names and where you like to workout. He is really cute though. And sweet. And handsome. And fit. God!

You wake up ready to face the day. Despite what's on your schedule you jump out of bed, get changed for the gym, grab your water bottle, take your pre-workout and go into the gym for a quick session to get the day started. Walking out of the change rooms you almost immediately spot your gym buddy over on the treadmill and decide to join in beside him.
"Hey." You smile.
"Oh hey, when did you get here?" he asks.
You answer "Just now, have you been here long."
"No I only just started really, if you wanted to join in I'm happy to the idea of a gym buddy for the day." he invites.
"I'm only in for a quick session thought, I have other things I need to get to today."
"That's okay nothing stops me from staying after you leave. So you in?" He offers again.
"Why not." You agree.
He smirks "Don't worry I'll got easy on you."
"Settle down buddy." You joke as the two of you make eye contact smiling.
Just like that you have a gym buddy to follow and lead around for your session this morning. It's actually really nice. You learn a little bit more about each other - more what you like to do in the gym but still. You have a designated person to spot you and check your technique. You get to sit back and watch as he works-out and flexes his muscles with each movement. The luxury. You could really see yourself doing another workout with him in the future. Maybe not arms but still.
"So how did you enjoy your workout this morning Y/n. I didn't push you too hard?" Zach asks.
"This morning was actually really nice. I mean you've definitely need to work on your leg day exercises but I could maybe see myself doing it again." You smile.
He adds "How about we team up for arm day next."
"You now maybe on second thought I find someone else to buddy up with."
He laughs "I dare you to try and find someone else."
"Really?" You query.
"Okay well I better get going. It was good to see you again. Thanks for the workout. Have a nice day." You say.
"Have a nice day to you too." He smiles.

You leave the gym, getting into your car and driving home with a smile on your face. How can one person be so dreamy. I barely know the guy. But he's so handsome and cute and funny and sweet and kind and fit and omg. STOP thinking this way. You two met on a beach and now see each other ever now and again at the gym catch a breather. Once again you two barely know anything about each other.

When you get back home the realisation of what today is kicks in. You get home shower, eat breakfast and start packing. Packing for your trip to Milan for fashion week in the next couple of hours. You really should have started packing last night or at least set aside what your going to be taking because it's kinda an overwhelming task, one you've been procrastinating. Eventually you get your stuff together, you finish packing, make some lunch and prepare your carry on with your; books, headphones, sketch book, water bottle, laptop, camera, charger, portable charger and passport. It's only an hour or so before you will be on the next flight to Milan.

|The next day|

You arrived in Milan late last night after a long 13 hour connecting flight. Starving, extremely tired and cramped up and sore from the plane, you ordered some food and fell asleep. Trying to savour yourself for the big events today. Those big events happen to be 2 different fashion shows and a dinner with Christian Dior. Seriously what did I do to deserve to be in Milan for Paris Fashion Week. Let alone be going to dinner with Christian fuckin' Dior tonight. When will the crash hit? Waking up ready for today you call room service for some breakfast, jump into the shower and sit down to start getting ready and eat. Your manager Lucas even comes in to give you a run down of the day and what time you'll have where to explore and relax a little bit.

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