Chapter Thirty Three

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|Thursday night|

You've just recently got back home after a shift working at cider. You're all making great progress with the collection and things are actually coming to life. Things you've created and designed. Since getting home you've jumped into the shower, read a couple chapters of your book, got everything out for dinner, gotten changed, put music on and waited around for Zach. Tonight he's meant to be joining you to make some dinner together and sit outside to eat. It's going to be a little home cooked date night. You might even get some candles and things out for you to sit out on your balcony and eat as night falls.

 You might even get some candles and things out for you to sit out on your balcony and eat as night falls

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Zach was meant to meet you at your apartment so you could start making dinner together at 6:30. He told you that he wouldn't be any later than 6:30. He promised you he would make it. Unfortunately it's now 7:25 and there is no sign of Zach, he hasn't even sent you a message to let you know what's going on. The plan is to wait until 7:45 to see if he'll show. If he doesn't you're just going to make yourself dinner because the cooking is going to take a while and you're already starting to get hungry.


It's now 7:45 and you still haven't received anything from Zach. He's not here, he hasn't texted and you don't really have the patience or time to wait around for him any longer. The food is going to take long enough so you need to get started. If Zach shows up a little bit later and want to jump into it that'll be fine. If he doesn't end up showing up it just gives you more of a reason to need to have a conversation with him about what's going on.


You've now finished making and eating your dinner, which you were meant to do with Zach. Zach who you still haven't seen or heard from. He's seriously late and you're seriously starting to get annoyed. It's a joke how long it's taking him to meet you for a dinner that has been planned for over a week. There is even a small cake in the fridge you made for the two of you there now gone to waste because he can't show up on time.


After giving up on waiting around for Zach to arrive you moved to the couch to sit and watch a couple episodes of a show before going to be. Finally at 8:30 though the door opens and guess who walks into. The person that is over two hours late. Noticing that it's him your so annoyed that you just roll your eyes at him and return to the TV. "I am so so so sorry baby. We got caught up at studio. I really wanted to be here." He apologises.
"You could have at least sent me a message, that you'd be late." You respond not removing your eyes from the TV.
"I know. I know. Should have. I'm really sorry. I promise I wanted to be here. I didn't mean to upset you." He sits down beside you on the couch.
"It's not just that though Zach." You finally break away from the TV and make eye contact with him.
"Tell me what it is then." He places a hand on your knee.
"We're so busy. Too busy."
"I know, we're trying to work that out though. You've started taking Wednesdays off and I can talk to some people and maybe do the same." He defends.
"There is more though." You continue.
"When I do have days off you only want me to spend those days with you."
"Yeah because I love you. I miss spending time with you. We only get to see each other before bed."
"But then I'm not able to have a relationship with any of my other friends."
"We hung out with everyone on the weekend and last Wednesday you went to the spa with the girls."
"I know. Whenever you ask if I'm free and I'm unable to hangout though you seem upset though."
"Because I want to spend time with you." His voice raises a little bit from before.
"And then tonight. When we actually make plans you're never able to come or I'm never able to come. It just seems like we don't have time."
"Why are you making this seem like it's all my fault. You're just as busy as I am. We both have attentive jobs."
"I'm not making it all seem like your fault I'm talking about both of us. We're too busy."
"Too busy for what? Too busy for each other?" Says aloud what you've been thinking about and you can't help but let a tear loose. "Maybe you're right." He removes his hand from your leg.
"No Zach. No."
"Y/n you can't be annoyed about this, starting the conversation and getting upset when I come to conclusion."
"I just want us to work together and find a way to fix this." You sob.
"You wanna fix this?" He asks as you nod. "The best way to fix this is we take a break. Give each other space. Let us work on the things we've already got going on in our lives. Then when we're able to manage our time better look at maybe finding our way back to each other."
"Why?" You cry.
"You said so yourself, we're too busy." A tear rolls down his cheek.
Sitting across the couch from him you can't stand to have your eyes on him, you can't stand to even feel his eyes on you. It was meant to be a conversation that would lead to you guys fighting. That's what you wanted to do. You wanted to fight together. You don't run but you walk away towards your bedroom.
"Goodnight Y/n." He says as you walk away.

As soon as you've made it to your bedroom you've fallen to your knees. Fallen to a pile of streaming tears. All you can think about it how this wouldn't have happened if you didn't get annoyed, if you didn't bring it up. Sitting there you can feel his presence in the living room still sitting on the couch. Why won't he just fucking leave. Does he want to stick around and see the pain he caused or something. "Leave." You say and he clearly can't hear you. "Leave." You raise your voice.
"Pardon?" You only just hear.
"Go! Leave!" You tell feel completely pathetic.

A loud sound irrupts from behind you and you realise he slammed the door. With that realisation you completely crumble. This was not how things were meant to end. This was not how things were meant to go. The two of you are still meant to be together. Meant to be sitting on the couch together him eating dinner and you resting on his shoulder. Instead your a mess of melted make-up and streaming tears. You need to get this makeup off and climb into bed. You can't cry on your floor all night.

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