Chapter Twenty Seven

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|Friday the following week|

You got back from Seattle by yourself on Wednesday. Zach originally wasn't expecting to come with you in the first place so his departure on the Saturday didn't come as too much of a surprise. He is currently in the process of producing an album so taking long periods of time away isn't the greatest of options. Either way you're back home now and have plans for a girls night tonight. So as much as you might have some homework to do thanks to Cider you're not going to be working as long as you normally would.
Just because you're not going to be working a full days work doesn't mean you won't be starting a little bit earlier. Instead of going to the gym today you're going to make breakfast, get through your emails and starts your others work for the day including meetings, brand deal preparation and planing for your next cider meeting.

Once you've knocked off work you close your laptop, put it on charge, make yourself a snack, jump in the shower, get changed and prepare yourself to meet at Evie's apartment for a cocktail night. You're each going to be making a different cocktail flavour to share with the group. Basically you're all going to be getting a little bit drunk on a Friday afternoon after work. Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate.

When you actually get to Evie's apartment you make your way inside to find Kaia already sitting at the kitchen stools talking with Evie

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When you actually get to Evie's apartment you make your way inside to find Kaia already sitting at the kitchen stools talking with Evie. "Hello." You smile.
"You're finally home." Kaia laughs.
"Yeah I feel like I haven't seen you guys in ages." You respond taking the seat beside Kaia.
"How are the parents and Leilani?" Evie asks.
"She's adorable. I can't wait to make plans to visit them more and spend time with her as she gets older." You smile wide thinking about how cute she was.
"What about Olive? How is she? Oh and Adam as well of course." She continues to ask.
"It's a big change for them obviously but everyone has been more than happy to help out even just for a couple of hours so they can get some rest."
"Is that why you stayed longer?" Kaia asks.
"What do you mean? I never had a flight booked for when I would come back."
"But Zach came back Saturday."
"Zach came back early because he needed to get to the studio, he wasn't going to be able to stay for the full week like I was." You explain.
"Where things better with him and the boys though?" Evie asks as the front door opens again and the finally person arrives.
"The boys and him were a lot better. I mean it might be because everyone was so distracted by little Lae but still they were a lot more mature."
"Omg are you talking about Leilani?" Lilah rushes over.
"Yeah." You respond.
"Please show me all the photos you took."
"Go ahead take my phone." You sign in and pass it off to her.
"Adam might even be a little bit more mature in general now though. Becoming a father does that to you, you get a different perspective on things." Kaia suggets.
"Are we ready to start making the cocktails?" Evie smirks.
"Of course!" Lilah celebrates.

All of you get started on your cocktails as everything you've missed out in each others lives unravels. You each have to make four glasses of your own flavour cocktail. Kaia is planning on making a lime cocktail, Evie a strawberry one, Lilah a lime and you a berry vodka.
"So how are things going with that guy you were telling us about at the pool party?" You ask Lilah.
"Umm things didn't really work out." She responds.
"Really why?" Evie asks.
"He just wasn't really what I thought he was." She explains with a shrug.
"Aww I'm sorry for bringing it up." You apologise.
"It's okay we weren't anything serious."
"But you guys were going on a date?"
"Y/n sweetie just because you don't go on date much. I mean of course you have a boyfriend now but for most people going on dates with different people isn't such a serious thing." Kaia explains.
"No I understand that but still it's not nice for people to bring up disheartening conversations."
"Really it's okay. He's not worth the conversation." She repeats. "Anyone else have any dating stories to share?"
"No not really I've been too busy focusing on this collection, work and school. It's one of the reason I actually haven't really caught up with any of you besides Y/n." Evie explains.
"Oh how is that going?" Lilah asks.
"We're still extremely far from getting to a final product for any of the pieces but we're making progress." You answer.
"Yeah this one being in Seattle didn't help because I think we missed two meetings but we'll make up for it next week."
"What are we going to all be spending our money on?" Kaia ask.
"Cropped tops, baby tees, t-shirts, crew-necks, dressed and then just shorts, skirts and jeans." You respond.
"Oh wow thats a lot of t-shirts." Lilah is surprised.
"They'll each be different." Evie ressures.
"So you've already planned what you're going to do?" Kaia asks.
"Not exactly but for the baby tees, crew-neck and t-shirt we're talking about using some of my drawings."
"Oh wow!" Both Lilah and Kaia exclaim.
"We just have to present to the team what drawings I've got a hope they're happy with them."
"Sounds like a lot of work."
"It really is but at least we're both working on it together. It mean we can do stuff after hours." Evie adds.

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