Chapter Thirty Five

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|31st of December|

It's been a month since everything went down and things are finally starting to get better. You're not missing him as dearly as regularly, avoiding him and focusing on yourself and your relationships has really helped. Over the holidays you flew out to Seattle to send some time with your family. It was extremely freshening and any chance you got to spend time with Leilani you cherished. Along with that you've started regularly going to Pilates sessions with Lilah to avoid the gym.With cider and work though things are really starting to look good, there is only three months until the release. That means that for the first couple of months of the new year you'll be look at shooting and creating a bunch of content for when the collection actually drops. The New Year is only a couple of hours away now and to celebrate Kat has invited you and the girls to a New Year's Eve party. You've been really adamant on not going because you know Zach will most likely be there but the girls have promised that you don't have to stay all night and that there will be lots of people. Trusting them and not wanting to make them upset with your lack of presence you went out this morning and found something you're now going to wear tonight.


⚫️ Lilah
Are we all getting ready tonight

⚫️ You
If you guys want to we can

⚫️ Evie
It'd be best we all enter together in case of you know who right

⚫️ Kaia
Yeah we'll all meet at Y/n's apartment because she's the closest to the party and get ready

⚫️ Lilah
Are you excited for tonight y/n?

⚫️ You
I don't really have a feeling on the whole thing

⚫️ Evie
I hate you being sad 🥲

⚫️ You
It's okay
I'm slowly getting there

⚫️ Kaia
Maybe tonight could be good
You could kiss a hot guy and finally leave him behind and focus on yourself

⚫️ You
I'm not going to go and kiss someone else

⚫️ Evie
I think what kaia is trying to say is that you should just have fun tonight and forget about everything else

⚫️ You
Whatever I'll make some drinks for when you guys come over

⚫️ Lilah
Omg yesss please

As soon as the girls arrive at your place, music is blasting and drinks are flowing. You're all going to get ready together as you do almost ever other New Years. This year feels different though. They're all being really careful when regarding you and as much as you appreciate it you're meant to be over this. You're meant to be able to hangout with you friends and have it feel normal. At the moment it feels like they're not being themselves. "Are you guys good?" You ask placing your drink down.
"Of course we are!" Lilah smiles. You notice it's not her normal smile though.
"Are you sure it feels like you guys are walking on egg shells around me?"
"We just know you're a little worried about how tonight goes." Evie stops what she's doing.
"Yeah we know you're worried about potentially seeing Zach and don't want to stress you out too much before we leave." Kaia adds.
"You don't need to do that. Just treat me like nothing happened. It makes me feel even worse when you're all acting strange at the expense of my feelings. So please just be normal. I can't get over it if I'm not being normal." You explain.
"We're sorry." Lilah apologises.
"It's okay just be normal. You know getting ready before going out is my favourite part of the whole night." You smile.
"What are you wearing tonight though?" Evie asks.
"It's like a pink newspaper print, asymmetrical dress with flowy edges. I even got a little pink cowboy hat to wear it with, as well as my pink flower print bag." You answer.
"Wait that actually sounds so cute." Evie smiles.
"I'm actually kind of glad you're here you can help me come up with something else if it doesn't look good."
"It'll look good. I'm sure of it." She reassures.
"What about you guys? What are you wearing?" You ask the others.
"I've got a little lilac embellished dress." Lilah answers.
"Then I found a little denim, lace, dark wash dress."Kaia responds.
"And me. I have leather pants, a bikini style festival top with sparkles and tassels that I plan to wear with sparkly silver accessories." Evie answers of course having the most extravagant outfit that will probably look the best.
"Tonight's going to be fun!" Lilah sings.

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