Chapter Seventeen

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|Two days later|

Thanks to Zach's amazing fort night and Lucas' help you're feeling a little more in control. Less like you're in a mail room with envelopes flying in every second, consuming you. Zach is still a little concerned though and wants to make sure your looking after yourself, getting the right amount of sleep, exercising, getting fresh air, eating and of course not working yourself to hard.
Today, thanks to Kaia and her photo-shoot you're getting out of most of your work. She sent you through a schedule that can hopefully fit everyone's day. Your not needed at the studio until 12:30 when you'll be doing a 30 minute solo shoot before getting changed to take some shoots with Lilah and Evie. You're quite excited. It's very rare that Kaia actually reaches out to you girls and asks for help with things like this. She usually would just wait around for you guys to need photos or have an idea that she can jump on. Today is all about her though. Her ideas. Her desires. Her rules. Her decisions. Her photography. She is the director and you are all the actresses ready to do as you're told.
Getting out of bed you get changed into a comfortable outfit you can not only wear for a refreshing walk around your apartment complex but also to the photo-shoot. You're not going to go to the gym today because you wanna get as much work as you possible can before you have to leave. With that being said you're still to make sure you have your breakfast and everything you need to do to look after yourself. You're not in the mood for an angry Zach forcing you to eat a whole meal in front of him. At least that's what he threatens to make to do if you don't eat.


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Despite not going to the gym you still didn't get as much time to work as you would have liked. All thanks to not accounting time for making and having lunch as well as getting ready. Evie has requested a certain hair and makeup from you and Lilah so you're all cohesive for the group photo.

When you finally get to the studio there is no time to greet anyone. Evie is immediately wafting you away to a back room where you find a pile of folded clothes a full body mirror, some random couches and art on the wall. Evie shows you what you're wearing for your solo shoot and helps you out a little bit with the finishing touches. Standing in front of the full body mirror after getting changed you know Evie has done a wonderful job and the outfit probably makes sense for whatever Kaia is going to ask you to do but you can't help but feel a little bit uncomfortable. You're so exposed around to go out there in front of everyone just makes you so anxious. You have no idea who these other girls are Kaia booked, you don't know what they're going to think or say. You shouldn't be worrying about their opinions but it' your instinct standing there in front of the mirror looking at your body and what you're wearing. "What do you think?" Evie smiles approaching you from behind to watch you through the mirror.
"I don't know. I think you've done an amazing job and it probably makes loads of sense for you guys that know what I'm going to be doing out there-"
"But I can't help but feel a little bit uncomfortable." You slouch.
"Can I ask you something?" Evie asks.
"Yeah." You slowly reply unsure of what question could have sparked in her head after hearing you say you're uncomfortable.
"Are you uncomfortable because of the actually outfit it's self or are you uncomfortable because you're self conscious?" You know the answer but it's something you don't want to openly admit because you know that this is also something Evie needs to know. If the actual outfit is uncomfortable she needs to find something else. If it's you feeling uncomfortable in the outfit she needs to find out how to convince you you'll be fine. Once you've finally found the confidence you let out a sigh. Turns out that sigh is enough for Evie to fin out the answer. "Look, I know you might not feel comfortable but it's only going to be me, Lilah, Kaia and maybe one or two others. Non of us are going to judge you. This is for Kaia and her career. We did this to help her out and you look amazing anyway. There is no reason to feel insecure."
"I know but I do Evie." You sadly wine.
"Y/n you have to go out there. I have nothing you can wear and with Kaia's vision this is really the best choice. Are you able to put on a brave face and go out there for Kaia?" She asks and you can't help but suffocate with guilt. You can't ruin Kaia's plans of renewing her portfolio just because you feel a little insecure.
"I'll be fine." You let out a heavy sigh.
"Perfect. I'll give you a second to yourself but we'll need you out here in a couple minutes so we can stay on schedule." Evie sends you a comforting smiles and slips out the door.

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