Chapter Twenty Six

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|Monday another two weeks later|

It's semi late on a Monday night, you've just say back down on the couch after washing up your dished from dinner, Zach's sitting beside you with a blanket thrown over the two of you. Sitting there together is when one of you receives a call. Zach checks his phone, it's not his which means it's yours but of course you've just sat down and left yours in the kitchen. Either way you get up and grab it off the counter to find it's your mum. Why is she calling? "Hey what's up?" You answer the call.
"It's Olive." She responds and immediately your scared. Is the baby alright? Is Olive alright? Is Adam going to be okay? What's happened?
"What- what's wrong?" Your voice shakes and Zach's attention is all of a sudden on you. He looks just as concerned as you feel.
"She's in labour." Your mum rushes from the other end of the phone.
"Everything is okay though?" You ask.
"Yes but you should looking into catching a flight out here. They'll want all the help they could get. Plus I'm sure you're brother would be disheartened if you couldn't be here to meet her."
"Of course. I'll look at flights right now." You sigh.
"I'll keep you updated on how things go." She adds.
"Please do. I'll keep my phone right beside me tonight."
"Okay I better go though but let me know when you're secured flights." She says.
"Okay make sure to keep me updates please and wish her well." You smile.
"I love you."
"I love you to bye." You hang up and somehow let out an even heavier sigh.
Instead of waiting for Zach to ask any questions you sit straight down at the counter, open your laptop and start looking for the earliest fight to Seattle.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"Umm Olive is in labour."
"Oh the babys coming?"
"Yes I need to find the next flight out."
"Do you want me to start packing some things for you?" He asks.
"Yes please. I really need to be there, for Adam and Olive. I don't want to miss out."
"Don't worry you won't miss out on anything. Do you just want a bunch of comfy clothes?" He reassures you.
"I don't even have a little teddy or present to give little baby girl when I get there. I really should have been more prepared." You stress.
"It's okay settle down." He rubs your shoulders. "I'm sure you'll be able to find something at the airport or even when you get there."
"You should go home."
"You should go home." You repeat.
"Why? I need to help you pack your bags."
"No you need to go home and pack your own bags." You repeat once again.
"Am I coming too?" He asks.
"Zach just go home and pack your bag I'll let you know when I get tickets."
"Are you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" He asks.
"Yeah I'll only need a couple pieces."
"Don't stress yourself out to much though and make sure you let Lucas know what you're doing." He kisses your cheek.
"Ok just go home and pack."
"Do you want me to find something for the little baby on the way?"
"Ugh I don't know." You complain.
"Okay don't stress I'll figure something out you just try and get some tickets."
You place a kiss on his lips as he grabs his keys, puts his shoes on and heads out the door.

To your dismay the next flight out to Seattle is on Wednesday at 6 AM meaning you'll be landing at 9-9:30. It's really not what you want. You want to be flying in tomorrow morning, leaving now but all the flights are booked. It actually frustrates you so much that you're going to have to miss so much that you're sitting at the kitchen counter sobbing when Zach walks back into the apartment. "Wow wow wow what's wrong?" He immediately drops his stuff and rushes to cup your face and pull you into a hug.
"There are no flights till Wednesday." You sob into his chest.
"Yeah what's so bad about that?"
"Zach I'm not going to be there. I wanna be there."
"Aww it's okay."
"No it's not. I should be there. Ethan and Molly and mum and dad and everyone else will be there. I should be there too."
"Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault that you don't live in Seattle with everyone else. They chose to move. You stayed because that's what was best for you just because you might not be there for the actual birth doesn't mean Olive and Adam will resent you. You're still going to be baby girls favourite Aunty. How about you get some rest? I'll back your bag for you."
"I still need to text much and Lucas though."
"It's okay I'll text them for you. Just get some rest. Olive and Adam are going to need your help being new parents." He lifts you up into his arms.
"Ok." You wrap your hands around the back of his neck as he carries you to bed. "Can you make sure you back a bunch of comfy clothes, leggings, hoodies, maybe a pair of jeans?"
"I will don't worry."
"Were you able to get anything for the baby?" You continues to ask instead of actually focusing on getting some sleep.
"No but we can go down first thing tomorrow morning and find something." He kisses your forehead before laying the sheets over you and leaving the room.
Before joining you in bed Zach makes sure to send a message to your mum and Lucas along with pack your suitcase for you.

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