Chapter Thirty Four

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Last night there was no chance you were doing anything besides going straight to sleep. Well of course not straight to sleep, you cried a lot before actually falling into a slumber. This morning you're feeling even worse, 1000 times worse than last night. On top of that you have work to do today but considering no one but Zach actually knows what went down last night you've got 0 motivation to get up. The only real reason you wake up is because Lucas calls you. "Y/n where are you?" He answers the phone.
"What do you mean?" You ask still filled with sleep.
"You're meant to be in a meeting right now where are you?" He repeats.
"Oh shit. I didn't even notice I'm sorry." You rush to get out of bed.
"Are you okay? You seem tired." he asks.
"Yeah I only just woke up." You respond.
"Okay well can you hurry up you're late. We're waiting on you." He rushes.
"Fine give me a second." You hang up and rush to grab your computer and join the meeting.

Completely forgetting that you spent all last night crying you join the meeting with extremely puffy eyes without thinking

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Completely forgetting that you spent all last night crying you join the meeting with extremely puffy eyes without thinking. "Are you okay?"Lucas asks.
"Yeah." You respond.
"It's just your eyes are really puffy, like you've been crying or something." He adds.
"We can talk after the meeting if you would like." You really don't want to get into things before the meeting has even started.

After the meeting Lucas pulls you into a different call for you to talk. Talk about something you really really don't want to talk about. You don't want to think about Zach or what happened last night or what's currently happening. You already know you're going to spend most of the week crying. "Are you okay?" Lucas repeats.
"No." You sigh.
"What's wrong?" He asks. "What happened?"
"Umm last night me and um-" Your voice cracks. "Me and- me an- Me and Zach broke up."
"Omg why didn't you say anything. I wouldn't have made you sit in on the meeting. Honestly take the day off you don't need to be doing that to yourself."
"Thank you." You say with tears streaming down your face.
"You go get some rest." He smiles sympathetically.
"No you know what I need." You smiles through the tears.
"What? Do I need to drop something off?"
"No it's right here in my fridge." You leave your seat, grab the cake you and Zach were meant to share last night and eat it with just a fork. "This."
"Of course you have a cake." He laughs.
"Now you go eat your cake. I don't want you working today. You've got bigger fish to fry."
"Thank you."
You hang up, close your laptop and take your cake to the couch with your fork to watch some random movies and eat.

Not even thirty minutes later your door bursts open and you realise that you never locked it last night but the girls rush in. "Omg there you are." They leap over to the couch to wrap you in a massive hug.
"What are you guys doing here?" You ask.
"Lucas told us." Lilah lays her head on your shoulder.
"What the fuck happened? What the fuck did he do?" Kaia shouts.
"I brought up how I was feeling about us both being so busy." You answer.
"So he broke up with you?" She is extremely annoyed.
"I was annoyed so it wasn't the calmest conversation we could have had." You explain.
"Still there is no reason to break up with you."
"Kaia please. There is nothing anyone an do." You lay your head back on the couch as tears stream down your face.
"I'm sorry." She apologises.
"Can I have a bite of that cake?" Evie asks.
"Sure." You hand her your fork.
All four of you sit there cuddled together on the couch sharing the cake you made yesterday as you cry. Tears are streaming down your cheeks but the cheesy movies and girls beside you help out.

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