Chapter Three

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Once you've exhausted Milan Fashion Week and made it back to the comfort of your apartment in LA you realise just how much work you have to catch up on, thanks to the weeks 'vacation'.
The pile of uncompleted tasks doesn't steer you away though. You wake up ready to force yourself into a productive mind so you can get through the pile of work. One of the things that helps you get into a productive mind set and also one of the things you weren't going to drop this morning just to get work done happens to be going to the gym. You also can't lie your excited to go to the gym and potentially see Zach. So getting out of bed you get changed, grab your water, take your pre-workout and head out wasting no time.

Arriving at the gym you do a little sweep of your surroundings before starting to see if your gym buddy might be around

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Arriving at the gym you do a little sweep of your surroundings before starting to see if your gym buddy might be around. Maybe we could work out together. To your disappointment he doesn't seem to be in today. It's okay. He's probably just taking a rest day. You can work out by yourself Y/n. Thanks to the little pep talk you give yourself you're able to move on and get to your workout. It's not until you get off the treadmill and start setting up for squats that you get interrupted and ripped away from the distraction of your music to find someone on the other end of the barbell helping you slide on the weights. "It's okay I got it." You say not acknowledging who it is.
"I insist." He says over your music drawing in your attention.
"Zach?" You question acknowledging who's helping you.
"Long time no see." He smiles "Where have you been?"
"I've been in Milan." You answer
"Milan!" He says not at all trying to hide his shocked expression. "What where you in Milan for?"
"Milan fashion week." You answer his second question.
"Nice." He says slowly retracting in his shocked expression.
"Why have you been looking for me." You question with a smile slipping onto your cheeks.
"Yeah I was going to try and convince you to do arms with me. I couldn't find you though." He replies "I guess you being in Milan makes sense.
"Before you ask I'm doing legs today." You state.
"Any room for a gym buddy?"He adds.
"Only if he's willing to work hard." You joke.
"Okay. What are we doing first?" He smiles.
"Well you missed your walk on the treadmill but I usually do Squats, RDL's, Hip thrusts, KAS glute bridges, front lunges, hyper extensions and then another walk on incline. If thats okay with you." You explain.
He replies. "As much as I love a good butt I think I'm happy to switch out a couple exercises to my own. I wanna give other people a chance you know."
You smile at his joke. "Of course."

The workout is actually really great. Zach cheers you on, helps you add weights, spots you when needed, joins in the exercised and you do the same when he wants to steer off your routine to do his own leg day exercises. It is really nice be to back in the gym and of course talking to Zach. You do have other things to get done so you unfortunately can't spend the whole day in the gym. So you put away your equipment and walk each other to the change rooms saying thanks and goodbyes for the day. That doesn't seem to be the last time you see each other though. As you're walking out of the gym you hear someone running up behind you saying your name as they try to catch your attention. "Y/n wait up!" They yell.
"Pardon?" You say confused as to who could be running after you trying to get your attention. After all you don't really know anyone in the gym beside the front desk people and...Zach.
"Wait up." He repeats.
"Sorry. I didn't realise you wanted me to wait for you." You say.
"No it's okay. I was just wondering when you were free next because I really would like to see you work arms." He explains him running after you.
"Umm why don't you just text me whenever and I'll tell you if I can or not." You say with your cheeks growing red and stomach turning.
"That'd be great." He smiles as he passes his phone over.
"Maybe if your free in a little bit we could go and get some food." He offers. No you can't. You wanted to be productive and get work done remember y/n. I can always catch up on it later. No. Stop. I'll get to it. You can get food any other time. Yeah but he might think your rejecting him and not wanna get food again.  You have things to do! They can wait.
"12 sound good?" You ask smiling at him.
"Yeah 12 is great." He smiles back wider at you.
"I'll see you at 12 then Zach."
"Same to you Y/n."

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