Chapter Fifteen

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|Sunday - The next day|

Thanks to your later night last night and not have a single thing planned for today beside relaxing around you and Evie are sleeping in, enjoying the comfort of your bed. Well at least until there is someone names Lilah jumping on top of you shaking the entire bed and she sings "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. It's time to wake up!!"
Annoyed about being woken from a very peaceful sleep and interesting dream you throw the covers over your head trying to block out the sun and their screams. "Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up. It's time to wake up!!" They continue to recite.
Accepting your fate you fold the cover down and stare up at their amused faces with your not so amused one. "I hate you so much."
"Aww I love you two." Lilah jumps down trapping you in a hug.
"Okay that's enough. You can get off me now." You say after noticing that she hasn't left even though it's being more than an appropriate time for a hug.
"Are you ready to do nothing?" She says finally setting you free.
"I don't know I was think of actually going down and having breakfast."
"Omg you guys haven't even had breakfast." She realises.
"No." You jump out of bed.
"You better get going then before all the good food is gone." She informs you as if you're not already rushing to breakfast.
After breakfast you decide to depart from the girls once again and go take a nice quick, refreshing dip before getting changed. It's a gorgeous morning and you actually find yourself sitting on the beach staring out at the water for a couple minutes. Taking in the beauty of your view you won't be seeing after Tuesday morning. Once your made your way back to the Vila and got changed you claim your hammock and answer the few messages you have piled up on your phone.


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⚫️ Liam
I know you're on your trip and trying to enjoy your time with your friend but don't forget you have to get some content for that swimsuit company

⚫️ You
Don't worry I won't forget

⚫️ Liam
Wait you actually haven't taken it already?

⚫️ You
No I was planning on doing it tomorrow when we go out in a boat and all to see and swim with turtles and dolphins

⚫️ Liam
Okay it's just I thought you would have already taken them to get the task out of the way or something

⚫️ You
I would have already posted them if that was the case

⚫️ Liam
Either way just make sure you get the content

I will don't worry

Beach boy Zach

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
I see you've found your handsome man

⚫️ You
I'm sorry what

⚫️ Beach boy Zach
I saw that guy on your story he's really cute

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