Chapter Twenty Nine

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|October 31st|

It's Halloween, all the reason to be excited for work to be over. This year you and the girls have lined up a group costume so you're going to meet up and get ready together. Zach isn't the happiest about that because he wants to spend time with you before leaving and of course not being able to means he won't see you until you actually arrive at the event. You've all been invited to a brand party so everyone will be there including a couple people you don't actually know yet. You're not the nervous though considering the girls, Zach, the boys, Kat, Annmarie and Lera will all be there for you to run of to if you get overwhelmed.
Knocking off work you make yourself an early dinner, later snack, eat, jump in the shower and double check that you have everything in your makeup bag, grab your outfit for tonight and make your way over to Lilah's apartment were you're all going to be getting ready.

Of course your the last one to arrive thanks to work and all the little tasks you had to do before leaving the apartment but it's okay because they waited for you. What's not okay with you is that you're walking straight in to a drink being placed in your hand. "You're finally here! Why were you so late?" Lilah asks.
"Sorry I only just got off work and had some things to do in the mean time." You apologise.
"It's okay we made some drinks in the mean time." Evie smiles.
"What is it?"
"It's Evie's cocktail from the other night." Kaia responds
"Oh okay. I might go put this down first." You leave them in the kitchen to set everything down from some drinks.
"So." Evie leans forwards "Anyone know what others are planning on wearing."
"I think Kat and Daniel and Lera and Corbyn will probably do a couples costume." Lilah sits beside you.
"Maybe Jc and Chelsey too." Kaia adds.
"What about you Y/n do you know what anyone else is dressing as?" Evie asks.
"I don't know."
"What's Zach wearing?"
"I think he said he was wearing a SWAT costume or something I'm really not the sure it's not something we've discussed."
"Does he know what we're wearing?" She asks.
"He knows we're doing a group costume because we wanted me to get ready with him tonight but I said it wouldn't be possible. That I already had planned to with you guys but he doesn't know actually what costumes we'll be wearing."
"He loves keeping you all to himself doesn't he?" Kaia sips her drink.
"What do you mean?"
"He always wants to hangout with you and then when we actually do get to catch up because all of our lives have been quite busy lately he seems upset that you're not hanging out with him."
"I'm sure it's not intentional."
"No I agree I just think it's a funny coincidence."
"We don't get to spend as much time with each other as you guys may think as well." You add.
"Okay there is no need to get defensive I'm not accusing anyone of anything simply making a correlation."
"Are you ready to start getting ready?" Lilah asks with a smirk on her face.
"Only if there is going to be music." Evie jumps up from her seat.
"The only thing with that is I've started filming a little vlog for tonight." Lilah breaks the news.
"It's okay we can just turn the volume down if you need to actually record a clip." You suggest.
"I'll go get the speaker then." She leaves you all to grab your drinks and find your seat in her bedroom or bathroom.

Getting ready with the girls always seems to be so much more fun. Maybe it's the music and having people around you all doing the same thing. Unfortunately it adds an extra hour or so to getting ready though. The music can be quite distracting especially with you girls half of the time your singing or dancing. Thankfully tonight there isn't too much for you to do though, you pretty much just have to do your normal make up with some extra blush and style your hair.

 Thankfully tonight there isn't too much for you to do though, you pretty much just have to do your normal make up with some extra blush and style your hair

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