Chapter Thirty

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|Another week or so later|

It's finally the weekend, thank god. In recent weeks you've been working extremely hard, pushing out content and making progress on the cider collection. You're actually not really been able to see anyone besides Zach because of it. Even then you've only been able to see him in the afternoon when you're knocked off and relaxing at each others apartments. All is well though because you're going to be spending some time today we everyone, you're all going to a trampoline park for some inner-child fun. It's most likely going to be chaos. Hopefully fun chaos though.
Last night you finally had the your apartment to yourself so this morning you're going to shower, get ready, make breakfast, go on a little walk, maybe find somewhere nice to sit and read, you're really not sure but you've got till 2:30 by yourself.

Last night you finally had the your apartment to yourself so this morning you're going to shower, get ready, make breakfast, go on a little walk, maybe find somewhere nice to sit and read, you're really not sure but you've got till 2:30 by yourself

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Arriving at the trampoline park you realise that you all look extremely intimidating walking in as a massive group. There is also a bunch of little kids that you're going to have to try and work around but everything should be fine, you've got lots to access. So you all get your own pair of grippe socks and admire all that there is to do. They've got foam pits, dough-ball, jousting, total wipe out, zip-lines, ledges to jump from and lots and lots of trampolines. "Well this is going to get really sweaty." Kaia steps but beside you with her hands on her hips.
"Excuse me what!" Jack yelps as you all realise what she's just said an start laughing.
"Kaia there are kids around!" Zach jokes.
"I didn't mean it like that!" She laughs.
"How did you mean it then?" Daniel raises his eyebrows.
"I meant that we're all going to get really sweaty and hot." She rebuilds her trap and falls in it again.
"Doing what!" Jack catches her yet again.
"Omg no!" She face palms.
"You're all so dirty minded." Kat rolls her eyes. "There are literally families all around us."
"Why don't we just decide what we're going to do and get moving." Jonah suggests.
"We don't all have to do something together. We can break up a little bit." Corbyn suggests as well.
"We should all play dough-ball first though." Daniel runs off to the the netted off area.
"I guess that's what we're doing then." Everyone else follows along. Not necessarily in a big of a rush though.

All of you make your way over to the dough-ball courts and break up into two teams

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All of you make your way over to the dough-ball courts and break up into two teams. Daniel's team; Daniel, Lilah, Jack, Y/n and Evie Vs Jonah's team; Jonah, Kaia, Zach Lera, Corbyn and Kat.
The game starts and everything is absolutely chaos, everyone is treating the game like a war zone. It's extremely scary. Either way you're going to fight hard but it's not an easy game to win. First round goes to Jonah's team unfortunately though. Round two is a different story though, Daniel's team aka your team demolishes Jonah. Round three your left with Corbyn and Evie still in. Unfortunately Corbyn shoots the ball, hits Evie dead on even knocking her over. "Omg I'm so sorry." He apologies.
"Are you okay." Jack rushes over to help Evie up.
"It's okay I'm fine."Jack helps her up and she dusts off ready for round four.
"I promise I didn't mean to knock you over." Corbyn repeats.
"It's okay these things aren't the most stable." She replies.
Round four Evie gets Corbyn back with team Daniel winning meaning going into Round five its 2 VS 2. The decider doesn't seem to go as planned though. You throw the ball and rightfully hit Zach meaning he should be out, eliminated, it's exactly how you've been playing since round one but he doesn't. He stays in and continues playing. Despite trying to pick him up on it you're in the middle of a game and everyone is focused on trying to win. Unfortunately you'll have to pick him up on it after when everyone isn't focused on something else. Of course Jonah's team ends up winning the round though so they're going to do everything in their power to prove that you're wrong so they don't have to play again.
"You guys should be disqualified though." You protest.
"Why? Because we won and you didn't." A sassy Kaia responds.
"No because one of your team members cheated."
"Yeah I saw that too." Daniel stands beside you with his arms crossed trying to look strong.
"What do you mean! Who?" Zach asks.
"You mate." Daniel accuses.
"Yes." You reply.
"Before." Daniels waves his hands around in the air.
"That personally doesn't sound like something I'd do."
"Well I personally don't care." Daniel brings all sass to the table.
"It's okay there is an easy fix." Jonah steps in.
"Yeah they get over it. I wouldn't cheat." Zach crosses his arms popping out his hip.
"We'll just play round five again." Jonah suggest.
"As long as no one is cheating." Daniel adds.
"Ok, not cheating. If you get tagged you're out." Jonah makes the rules clear.
"Exactly how it's been since round one." Daniel glares before returning to starting position for the round to restart.
Round 5.1 starts and it's even more intense than round one was. It's a full on massacre, balls are flying everywhere. It's extremely close. There is only one player left on each team. Zach on team Jonah and Daniel on team Daniel. The final shot is straight out of a movie scene though. Both boys throw the ball at the exact same time. Daniel has more force behind his throw though because his managers to meet the target first. Team Daniel has scored the winning point! Your team cheers bringing on the celebration. Making sure Zach and Jonah's team feel the true mistake of cheating. If you just went out when you were meant to maybe this could be you right now.
"That's why you don't cheat!" Daniel cheers.
"Well that was fun." You laugh leaving the the netted area.
"I still don't understand where I cheated." Zach responds.
"It's okay I know you did." You tap his back.
"We deserved to win that."
"You would have deserved it if you actually played by the rules."
"Ugh your annoying." He laughs.
"Really?" You ask jumping on his back and clasping your legs around his waist.
"Yes." He tries to shake you off but you're gripping on too tight.
"Aye aye aye." You yelp.
"What's wrong?" You can already tell his smirking.
"Some annoying dude tried to shake me off his back." You slowly climb down.

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