Chapter Seven

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You wake up a lot earlier than you anticipated yesterday morning. Yesterday morning you didn't anticipate spending most of the night cleaning up your room. Whatever the girls want to know about everything that happened last night. Your not quite ready to sit down and chat though. You're really in the mood to go out and be productive, be active. They won't notice if you pop into the gym before swing around anyway. You can always say that you were still asleep. Who cares you need to get up out of bed and start getting ready to go. You don't normally sleep in that late. You want it to at least be believable when you lie to them.

Climbing into the car you catch a text on your phone screen

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Climbing into the car you catch a text on your phone screen. Not a text from the group chat. Not a text from Lucas. Not a text from anyone in your family. Not any text from any of your friends. You notice a text from your beach boy. A really sweet text he clearly sent last night while you were distracted cleaning.

Beach Boy Zach

⚫️Beach Boy Zach
I really enjoyed myself tonight. I know I've already told you this but I just wanted to remind you. I can't wait to see you at the gym tomorrow and then again whenever we plan for that second date. I really like you and getting to know you is extremely fun.
Maybe if you're up to it you could come over tomorrow night and we could watch some movies.
I could even show you some more songs.
Text me in the morning 😊

I've got some things to do today but I'd love to come over if you send the address
I'll hopefully see you at the gym though

Seriously this guy need to be on a leash he's changing you as a person. You don't notice texts from specific people on your phone. You don't go to a guys house the night after a date. You don't get taken on dates where the person has personalised it to you and your interests. You don't get treated like this.

|After the gym|

During your visit to the gym you don't see any beach boys. Fair enough you are later than normal. Either way you've been to the gym, had a quick shower in the change rooms, gotten changed into some spare clothes you brought and are now ready to go over go Lilah's apartment. Before you left your parking spot back at the apartment you checked over your texts to see if there was anything important and told all the girls to meet you there. The reason you chose Lilah's apartment and not your own is because you've got some errands to run after your little pow-wow and Lilah's apartment is closer than yours and anyone else's.

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