Chapter Five

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Just like they said they would, the girls show up knocking at the door first thing in the morning. You haven't even got the chance to wake up before you're jumping out of bed, throwing your hair up, putting a jacket on, sliding on your uggs and inviting them in.

"Come in

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"Come in." You say leaving the door open for them to file in while you walk towards the kitchen to fetch yourself some coffee.
"Just wake up?" Kaia asks shutting the door behind everyone.
"Mhm." You say leaning against the counter facing them.
"What'd you want to talk about Y/n?" Evie asks.
You answer "Umm I just need you're advice on something. Give me a minute to have my coffee and wake up then I'll explain."
"What's it about? Work? Life? Your family? A guy?" Lilah asks.
"Uhh a guy." You admit.
"Really!?" Kaia accidentally slips out of pure shock. You're friends aren't used to you asking about or talking about guys. You don't really go for them. Nor do you go for girls. It's just you haven't felt the need to try and wrap yourself up in all the complications of the relationship. All the guys that have come along have mostly just been there for sex or money as well. Zach doesn't seem that way but isn't that because the two of you are just friends.
"Yeah." You exhale quite prominent.
"I thought you didn't do relationships." Lilah questions.
"It's not that I don't do relationships it's just that I don't have the time or energy to deal with guys and all the things that comes with being in a relationship with them. All of the guys haven't been worth the hassle." You explain taking a mug out of the cabinet.
"So he must be special then." Evie smiles.
"Listen the things is we are just friends."
"So you need our advice on how to tell a guy you want to be more than friends." Lilah asks seeking guidance.
"No. I'm asking for advice on what the hell to do. One minute we're just friends running into each other at the gym. Then I'm questioning what the fuck I'm doing sitting at his friends birthday party. Why all his friend think we're dating. Why the hell he needed to invite me when he knew everyone at the dam party. I just don't know what to do. What to think. I need your guys help." You genuinely ask.
"Wow Y/n." Kaia says obviously still shocked.
"Why don't we move over to the couch and you can take us through everything." Lilah suggests.
"Then we can understand a little better." Evie adds.
"I hope you guys don't have anywhere to be soon because my brain is seriously wrapped in one big mess of mosh." You say falling into your couch.
"How long have you know him!" Lilah explosions.
"Umm we meet like a week or two before I went to Milan." You get comfortable sipping your coffee.
"And we're only just hearing about him!" Kaia says as her eyes almost pop out of her head.
"You can't really be that surprised can you?" You say trying defend yourself.
"Still Y/n. We're your bestfriends we wanna know about this stuff." Kaia answers back.
"Look I didn't feel the need to tell you guys because we are just friends. Well until now. Now I have no idea." You ramble.
"Just fill us in. From the start." Lilah breaks in.

Taking Lilah's request and running with it you tell them everything from meeting on the beach, running into each other at the gym the next day, him noticing that you were going whilst you were in Milan, working out together, lunch, keeping in contact with each other and continuing to hangout after lunch, the hike, him asking you to go to his friends birthday and then lastly last night. There is a lot to cover and it takes a while. You get there eventually though. Once the girls are all filled in they can give you some advice. Tell you what the hell you need too do. How the hell to think and what the hell is going on.

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