Chapter Thirty Eight

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|A month later|

After you and Zach broke up Lilah hit you up about actually going to those Pilates sessions you spoke about. It made life so much easier for you. You could still keep active without having to go into to the gym and face Zach or even scout a new gym all together. It was fun and you still like to go every now and again but it just hasn't been giving you the same results the gym did. Considering you're apartment complex has gym you decided to try that out but it's just not the same. They don't supply everything you need and it would simply just cost way too much to buy everything you need. Way more than just going back to the gym you're used too. So that's today's adventure, return to the gym and finally have a decent workout.

 So that's today's adventure, return to the gym and finally have a decent workout

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Sitting in the gym parking lot you give yourself a pep talk. If you see Zach you'll be fine. You'll be fine. You've worked so hard to get here. You've seen him before as well. There is no reason for you to be scared about seeing him again. If you just go in and focus on your workout you won't even notice who's walking by. Just go in and keep your head down Y/n. The gym is a space for you to work on yourself and feel confident the people around you really shouldn't matter. You're going to be fine. Just go inside. You can do it. You can do it. You'll be fine.

Not having done one of your proper workouts in a while you don't want to stress your body too much and only take it easy. It actually goes really well though. You're pep talk really helped. Making sure you're only focusing on yourself means you made it through the session without spotting Zach or starting any conversation with anyone.

As you're leaving the gym there is someone just up ahead of you, they very kindly hold open the door for you. "Ladies first." They smile.
Recognising the voice you feel your voice hitch. "Uh um thank you."
"Wait Y/n?" They respond.
"Uhh hi." You respond.
"Umm hi. You haven't been to the gym in a while."
"You've been looking for me?" You ask.
"Uhh umm no." He stutters.
"Wait Y/n can I speak to you?" He stops.
"About what?" You ask.
"Can we go to lunch tomorrow and talk things through. I think we need to have a conversation about everything." He asks avoiding eye contact.
"Oh." Your breath hitches yet again. "Umm yeah I guess so." You respond also avoiding his eyes.
"Okay umm is it okay if I text you the details?" He asks.
"Uh yeah."
"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow." He leaves.
"Okay." You respond and make your way back to your car.

Sitting in the car you're completely shocked. You have absolutely no clue what just happened. You thought you had made it through your first day back without running into anyone. Turns out you were wrong because you just agreed to join Zach for lunch tomorrow to talk. You know the second you tell any of the girls about this they're going to flip but first you have to figure yourself out. Figure out how you feel about tomorrow, prepare yourself to sit down with him even.

|The following afternoon|

Before getting out of your car you make sure you look good. You grab your sunglasses and walk into the restaurant. Walking in you're completely scared, you're nervous, you're unsure of what is going to happen today, you're unsure how this is going to go, what you're going to talk about. You're a wreck. You seriously don't think you could sit down and enjoy a meal at the moment. You are way to nervous, you could be sick. Making your way through the array of tables you find Zach sitting at the back of the outside area of the restaurant.

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